Lugers vs P38s

Which would have been more likely for Luftwaffe bomber crews to carry in spring 1940, lugers or P38s?



I don't know, but if I had to guess, I'd go with the Luger P08. The Walther P38 was first developed in 1938 but underwent some teething problems that took some time to get worked out. It wasn't until mid-1940 that the Walther P38 was able to be mass produced and delivered to German forces.

I'd speculate that German aircrew in Norway in April 1940 would continue to use whatever sidearms they'd been previously issued, presumably the Luger P08.


Thank you for the reply.

I knew the P38 was more common later in the war, but I was not sure about earlier in the war. I was even less sure what Luftwaffe crews would have carried.


This site would suggest it was a Luger P08.


Interesting site; thanks for posting the link.
