Shooting Reindeer?

I think it would be next to impossible to kill a reindeer with a pistol. Or could this actually be done?


Maybe if you shot it right in the head or heart.

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crat33, Jrdmln, USArmyCaptain, Guitar_King


I'm thinking it could be done. The weapon certainly has enough power as it will kill a bigger human. The trick would be getting close enough before they bolt. I don't know anyone that hunts with a pistol, but they do hunt with a bow, and that would be an even shorter range. On the other hand these guys didn't even know how to skin a rabbit, so I'm guessing they didn't have a lot of stalking experience.


Where I live we have a lot of Reindeer. They're not particularly big, not even close to a moose.

They are owned by the "Same". They are released to graze in the wild until they're rounded up so while they are owned they are they aren't treated like other livestock.

They often hinder traffic and are sometimes regarded as a nuisance. They have absoloutely no fear of cars or snowmobiles. In fact last summer I had three of them sleeping outside my doorstep in the morning.

Walking up close and shooting one would prove to be absolutely no problem when it comes to getting close or a handgun being powerful enough.


A well placed shot to the head/chest will take down a 250 lbs human being - I do not see why it couldn't do the same with a reindeer.

The issue is getting close enough to get a quality shot.


I was wondering about that, whether they could even kill a reindeer with a small arm. I suppose a close-up shot in just the right spot would do it.
