MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Witness (2011) Discussion > filming it is not ideal, guys

filming it is not ideal, guys

Everyone is going on about having a video as proof, and yet they go on about how all the pictures are bull. Yes, I believe in ghosts, due to my personal experiences. Everyone who says they aren't real, actually have no clue whatsoever. I think we like to believe they aren't real because it's easier to. Because damn. It's some scary stuff. And maybe I'm nuts, sure, but then tons of other people are nuts too, right? If everyone has the same delusion, they're all suffering from the same problem, not because it's not a delusion, right?

But put yourself in the shoes of these people. Sure, it seems like everything happens one day after another. But they DON'T. Things happen spontaneously. You want a camera set up 24/7 to see if it can capture something our human eyes rarely see? That's unlikely. And where are they gunna put it? It's not as if the things happen in the same place all the time.

Also, do you have a camera in your home right now? If not, then your argument is invalid. No one is going to buy a videocamera to try to prove a ghost exists, just to have people be like YOU FAKED IT, HAHA. And if you look at these years, cameras were DAMN EXPENSIVE. So not worth it. Especially since all the people who are so incredibly sure there are no ghosts wouldn't accept the proof as proof.

Now, I'm not saying all of these episodes depict the truth. But I certainly think some of them could.

One day, we will all die, and then we will see if we chill longer on the earth orrrrr... what? it's eternal darkness, and our energy just goes into the ground, and we are done with? No way. There are so many things that our bodies cannot experience on this earth, almost designed for us, that it's impossible to believe that this crappyass life is all we get. Is that what you guys want? Gross, dude. We are each pathetic additions to this world.

No, I'm not catholic by the way. I think anything is possible, since, you know, we actually don't know s***

Anyways, to sum it up, videotaping it is not a likely road in some circumstances, and if you don't believe this mumbojumbo then why in the hell are you watching it to begin with? Stop looking for proof in things that can't be proved. I don't believe any pictures I see, nor do I believe any videos I watch. And yet I believe in paranormal stuff, and aliens.


blackandbluelights, I quite agree. People who don't believe in ghosts or paranormal experiences in general have not had one themselves & can not fathom the logistics of it.

If you have a phenomena it is incredibly difficult to near impossible to capture because you don't know when or where it will occur. Most often it is random. And as you stated, many of course would not have the very expensive equipment to even attempt to try to capture paranormal events they may have happen to them- once again because they are never done on cue, so how would one know where to place a camera?

I often believe ghosts or paranormal beings choose to not be seen by using energy from electronics (cameras, etc.) so they often can drain batteries or make electronics malfunction in their prescence.

For those who don't believe in the supernatural I don't get why they watch the show if they have nothing but negative observations about it? They don't need to watch it if it bothers them so. But who are they to diminish anyone elses' experiences if they themselves have not experienced the other side themselves?

It's very easy to say things are "stupid", "hogwash", "made-up", but for those that have had true experiences (again as you said many, many have- they can't all suffer the same delusions) it is unknown what they experienced & not able to be accuratley catergorized because each paranormal experience is so vastly different. No two are the same.

Judge not those who think different than you, instead try to see the other persons point of view (step into their shoes) before you deem them liars or attention seekers because more often than not, most people that have had an experience often don't speak of it or try to explain it away so as to not be ridiculed by peers. It takes great courage to even share a story oftentimes because they end up being made fun of for their experience. Most tend to keep encounters to themselves or only share with a selected few.

There are so many things that are unknown in this world, for any one person to say paranormal events don't occur must look at the greater picture- many people experience events that are unexplained. Does it mean they experienced a "ghost"? Not always. But often times there is no rational explantion of what they did experience but who is to say they did not experience some sort of event?

I feel people are far too judgemental about anything supernatural. They either claim people who have had experiences to be anything from attention seekers to liars, to mentally ill. Not to say that some aren't (they may have underlining problems), but there are many that believe they witnessed something & to downgrade it or ridicule someone for an event that happened to them & not yourself I ask for those people to be a bit more open minded. No need for you all to believe fully in ghosts if you don't, but don't downplay others experiences.

Cops, judges, mayors, high ranking social figures have had paranormal events happen to them that they can't explain so I don't see how people who have not experienced them themselves are so quick to judge.

Try to see other peoples side, ask questions, don't degrade or make fun of others. The supernatural realm is full of mystery that we as humans have not scratched 2% of the surface of. We as humans know so little about the world when it really comes down to it.

The people that disbelieve because they personally didn't experience an event themselves so to them it does not exsist are limiting their own minds.

Rememeber, once everyone thought the world was flat but then it came to light that it was round when they had the means & knowledge to be able to prove it.

Sometimes it's not about proving if something does exsist but instead it's about keeping an open mind to the possibilty that we as human beings don't know everything that goes on in this world.

Treat others as you want to be treated. If you don't believe in the paranormal that is fine but don't disregard those you do.

"What am I always telling you? You must pay no attention to what I say.”


I was quite impressed by third episode in the first season, "The Haunting of Mansfield Mansion". They had numerous photographs, and even a couple of videos. I found those eyewitnesses very credible.

Anyway, the majority of people -- or at the very least, teens and young adults -- have their cell phones glued to their hip at all times these days. The majority of those phones are capable of recording high definition video. So, saying that video cameras aren't in most households is not really accurate.

That said, a lot of encounters happen unexpectedly and are brief. And besides, during my many encounters people are paralyzed with fear, so it's understandable that their first thought isn't "get the camera!"


LadyBloodyMary, I'm glad you see things that way, that's pretty much how I think too. I mean, there are so many reasons why it's possible, and yet everyone wants to shove them aside and believe the easier road. I get it though, it's not an easy thing to digest, but they go way too far with it sometimes!

winniethepujols, yes that's definitely true about cell phones, but still things are not so easy to do. Most people don't believe the videos they see anyways, it's really easy to fake things nowadays. I was also impressed by that one, and The Harpy episode, the sallie house is certainly a real thing and that episode was really good! Some scary *beep* though lol

"Why don't you make like a tree, and get the *beep* outta here?"


Great post Blackandbluelights.

The thing that most people fail to understand is that belief is NOT required for thing to exist, and that doesn't just apply to ghosts. I'm sure if you were around 400 years ago telling people the earth was round and it revolved around the sun you would be laughed at and eventually killed.

Its unfortunate that many scientists have just a "flat earth" mentality to the things they can't explain or have a hard time finding consistent observational evidence of. Every generation of scientists proclaim "we now know pretty much all there is about life and the universe" but the next generation of them prove them wrong.

That's not to say I don't like science, I love it. I don't believe in the paranormal, as all things that happen do so as a result of some cause and for some reason. Therefore nothing is "outside" the norm. Again truth is not predicated on belief.

Ive experienced many paranormal events in my life, and I was an atheist at the beginning. I don't pretend to have the answers. But I do believe that consciousness is a key part of the universe that unfortunately gets ignored by most scientist despite what quantum physics tells us about the nature of reality. If your interest watch Quantum Physics & Microscopic Universe to see a number of ways conscious observation actually changes reality.

And lastly, if you just like really good ghost stories, as I'm sure we all do, check out a podcast called Anything Ghost. People submit their ghost stories and the host reads them. A lot of them are excellent and its a fun listen.


@ sabotage177

While this poster largely agrees with your (& the other) sentiments above, this argument, with respect, raised my eyebrows:

"Its unfortunate that many scientists have just a "flat earth" mentality to the things they can't explain or have a hard time finding consistent observational evidence of. Every generation of scientists proclaim "we now know pretty much all there is about life and the universe" but the next generation of them prove them wrong."

Please don't blame scientists for the fact that the paranormal is largely, if not entirely, left out in the cold - as far as scientific research is concerned. Moreover, the blame should lie with the how the funding/scientific world itself works - that is, with regard to: (1) the scientific funding model, and (2) the peer review system - both of which (it must now be said) are the core drivers which underlie the advancement of modern science. At this stage, I raise my hands to those who've noticed... yes, it's an argument I've made a while before, and apologies to those who who read it again, nonetheless, when there are still starving millions in this world, and babies dying for want of simply clean water, then why should the paranormal get any scientific working time given to it? It shouldn't, because of this cold fact: humanity has plenty of other more pressing priorities.

Even if the world were more perfect, and let's imagine that there weren't such appalling calamities as children dying for want of clean water, or loved ones dying because of a yet to be cured disease, then the 'problem' (i.e., *if* we could dare even call it that, when considering the many *real* problems of this world) of *absent* research into the paranormal, surely lies with the big pharma companies - who, we must remember, fund almost all of the (non-charitable based) advancements in science.

Please remember, that scientists, like the rest of us, need to eat too! Many would naturally love to research the paranormal, but they have bills to pay and families to feed like the rest of us, so almost all must (sometimes reluctantly) go down the conventional path, if only to survive and thrive, in this challenging & capitalistic world.

So again, please don't blame the scientists, or think that none would find working in this field to be interesting. A true scientist not only seeks answers in the unanswerable but, moreover, delights in doing so!

Alas, for the reasons above, scientists must toe the conventional line and that's just the way the world works. This is also the reason why it's rather cavalier thinking, if not downright glib, of the many closed minded folk, who ever so poignantly suggest that 'that paranormal doesn't exist because science hasn't proved its existence.' It's just as well, then, that we humans know more about the surface of the moon in 2014, than we do about the surface of our seas!

Lastly, & on the other hand, *if* you're fabulously wealthy and worried about the public perception of you - what would you rather choose to fund with your spare millions? (1) Research into the paranormal (2) a cure for cancer or (3) solutions to solving the problem of malnutrition in the developing world?

My case I rest.

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


My thing is I wanna see what the paranormal investigators got. They have only shown it in like one or two cases, but in most cases paranormal investigators come in and they have cameras and video cameras. And I'm not a skeptic.

You're the Adam Sandler of this house and nobody wants Punch Drunk Love. Just give us The Waterboy -American dad


I happen to think that it's the people who have these experiences are afraid to admit the truth that they might possibly be delusional, and the fear of admission makes them try and pull others into their delusion.

It is interesting that someone who is considered normally stable, can go to a hospital where people are clinically labeled as delusional, but they, while THINKING they have had experiences can clearly agree on someone else's diagnosis.

How can those who experiences things others don't think they haven't got some issue instead, when they would consider a person labeled as delusional, delusional.



"I happen to think that it's the people who have these experiences are afraid to admit the truth that they might possibly be delusional, and the fear of admission makes them try and pull others into their delusion."

Die hard paranormal sceptics, often fascinate me.

If you personally think someone who experiences something paranormal is most certainly "delusional" - then could you please open up youtube and search for this exact search term:

'hampton court ghost CCTV'

Do watch it a couple of times, and then - only when you are satisfied that you've a perfectly rational explanation as to why others are delusional in thinking that that's a ghost on CCTV - please do come back here to explain to the rest of us, what you've just watched. Remember that that is actual CCTV footage which was not doctored in any way. Read all the facts, and could you still tell me that it's delusional to suspect that that's exactly what it appears to be? You say "afraid to admit the truth!" well then, here's your opportunity to explain the truth as to what you've just watched - without being afraid to do so in the slightest.

Here's another search term - for you to view at least a few times, before you accuse others of being clearly delusional :

"ghost new mexico cctv"

Nonetheless, if you think these are fakes, which a die hard sceptic should, then please give a rational and compelling explanation as to why they were faked. Otherwise, it's arguably *you* who could be...

Thank you.

PS - die hard sceptics often are heard crying out for evidence, yet when the most excellent possible evidence materialises (as it infrequently does) such as in both of the comparatively recent CCTV clips above (from some of the more reliable of sources) it remains a mystery as to quite why such simply seems not to be compelling enough evidence for such people? Their minds seem to be set on the fact that ghosts cannot exist, ergo evidence, no matter how compelling it may be, to the contrary doesn't matter. Sigh...

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox



... and.... prey... one naturally still wonders what *your* explanation for the cited CCTV footage above, might be, namoGemo?

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


It's been explained already. Some guy put on one of the outfits and closed the fire doors. What's more logical, someone putting on an outfit that was readily available, or a ghost?
Since ghosts are figments of over active imaginations by people who haven't accepted it's the year 2014 and believers in paranormal means gullible buffoon, the only logical choice is it's a person wearing a costume, which was admitted to.


No BOTH (and I did give you *TWO* not one) videos have not been rationally explained already, by any means. The website you've given, speculates, rather than factually states the first of the two videos above, is a hoax, because there is no evidence to support such an allegation. There was no confession by anyone, and it's an urban myth that an employee confessed to dressing up like that simply to go out and have a smoke at 2AM! You are not even aware, for example, that the same doors at Hampton Court were captured on CCTV flying open - only the day before, triggering an alarm that day too - except no figure was seen to have opened them then - which was also the reasoning why the security personnel were paying particular attention to those doors on the day that the 'skeletor' figure was captured on film. It most certainly was *not* a man clowning around in a medieval garb, because (1) the public had no access to that area on the day and time in question and (2) security persons would have lost their job had they been found to be clowning around like that. (3) Rumours of a supposed "confession" are exactly that - unsubstantiated rumours. (4) There is extensive CCTV throughout Hampton Court, and security is taken extremely, repeat EXTREMELY serious there - owing to the very important, historical significance of the building - and remember this cctv FOOTAGE came from a time not long after 911 occurred - when famous public places were subject to the highest security! There was no proof whatsoever of any person leaving the security monitoring suite, changing into medieval garb, and then proceeding down many corridors only to unleash such a prank, so that theory of a supposed "confession" or of its being a 'hoax' is complete rubbish.

That video made national news in the UK, as a ghost in Hampton court, and not as a security man risking his job by clowning around in such a manner - an accusation which the outed evidence simply does not support.

I note you've no good explanation for the New Mexico CCTV either. I was of course waiting for you to tell us that it's just an insect walking across the glass, which the evidence, once again, does not support. But why would you care about that when it's easy just to dismiss all paranormal reports as the result of delusion?

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox
