With Annabelle, you have actually proof and the Warrens were more involved. You can find videos on You Tube about Annabelle, in fact the Doll is in the museum at the Warrens house. My point is that you have proof to back up the story, the Suzy storyline seemed like a water downed version of Annabelle and I am still confused about the Black Cloud that seemed to only attack Platt house for some odd reason. I think Annabelle would have made far better story than this.
Problem is firstly that PW is based on first hand accounts; And let's not forget that the actual 'Annabelle doll' was purchased in 1970 by a mother for her then 28 year old daughter...
In other words, if you do the maths, you'll find that the likelihood of many people being available to present a first hand account, for we viewers now, in 2015, is more of a 'tall order' than not. Of course such is not conceivably impossible, yet still, it'd be pretty unlikely: Even the daughter who first received the Annabelle doll back in 1970, would be around 73 years of age today - assuming even, that she's both still alive *and* has reliably good memory of all the detailed events needed to fill a full episode.
On the optimistic side, let's say the daughter *is* still alive, and has remembered sufficient details to this day, then at least Lorraine W. (still with us too) and she could present an FP account; but, even so, we'd still most probably have to forgive them for the fact that human memory in one's 70's is not the most reliable of witnesses. Hmmm.
Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox
You said this "73, I think your math may be a little off. "
Well your criticism is a lot more "off" than "my math" - as I now quote my source verbatim:
"Annabelle is a vintage Raggedy Ann doll purchased in 1970 by a mother for her daughter Donna's 28th birthday. The doll began to move around Donna's apartment and leave messages for her on parchment, which Donna did not own. "
Ahem... that still most surely looks like I got that 1970 right, or the journalists in that article messed up! Whichever it was, you're not welcome to criticise my maths, on that point, without your source, unless you enjoy appearing foolish.
Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox
It's only a matter of opinion that the Warrens are fakes. There is no indisputable proof that the Warrens are "fakes"; nor (for that matter) is there any indisputable proof/opinion that they faked any case in their respective lives.
Hearsay is hearsay. Opinion is opinion: Nothing more.
- Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox