What in the *bleep* is this *bleep*?
I use to really enjoy this show because it was about people's experiences that could not be rationally explained, some scary, some annoying and some that makes you think (I am thinking about the "wolf pack" episode, the cabin dybbuk and the Travis Walton incident to name a few) Not all of them were horrible and scary and were interesting because of a history it shows like with the Dybbuk box and strange wanderings such as the wolves, etc.
However, for some reason it seems that the producers have totally sold out some integrity for shock value and sometimes what has seemed like some messed up political agenda (the Sleepy Hollow rip off about "Moloch" with some doctor that was sacrificing "babies" or quite possibly more like embryos because even when it was NOT legal, I have only heard of a couple rare occasions where a later term was ever performed when the fetus had already died and a cruel doctor forced a woman to go through the heartbreak of carrying what they thought was going to bring joy to their lives and it fell apart.) I bring that up because the show, coincidentally with a ultra conservative politician, it was assumed that this is what went on, that women were being dragged kicking and screaming and being forced to go through a traumatic procedure just to sacrifice them to some demon for some reason that I am still trying to figure out. This is crap and I think that the loyal viewers and fans of the show deserve better than that AND all of us should be given credit for having some brains and being smart enough to see through some of this B*^#@^*t!
I wonder if they realize that things like that can have a very weird effect on the less intelligent viewer and it gives the smart stupid people ammo almost to say "See, this is what happens when you do not think like we do." I am not mentioning any one in particular, cough, cough...neo con tea party morons...cough, cough.
I have lived in Louisiana in fact one side of my family is from there and yes, there is some weird things that have gone on in Louisiana as it has done in just about every state in the Union. If you really want to see some ghost, try going up in the Northeast and New England, you know, Colonial days when the white man came over and totally F'ed things up such as moving a settlement on land that Native Americans warned them about NOT building there or in the Southwest where there are spirits of some very pissed off Native Ancestors. Or, try Gettysburg, hell there are ghosts there who do not know they are dead.
Oh, and the "satanic symbols" was just too much. I wonder if it has ever occurred to them that it may not be demonic and that a pentagram is NOT a Satanic symbol, it was stolen from the Celts and used by some but most of it is from the "Crusaders" like St. Patrick who "drove the snakes out of Ireland" which is another way to say that they tortured and burned pagans because they held to the beliefs of their forefathers and mothers and were not ready to convert. People remember the Spanish Inquisition but there were actually many that happened all over Europe and in the Americas.
Maybe it is just me, and I am not intending to put down anyone's spiritual belief or anything, but I find it almost a bit humorous that so many people are being possessed and I also find it interesting that it tends to happen to those who are not the sharpest tools in the shed or are very religious. I mean, I am very surprised that someone has not been shown to speak in tongues or their head has not spinned around a few times or started to levitate. Is there any reason why so many people are becoming possessed and it takes a priest or minister to draw a cross on their forehead and say prayers only from the Christian Bible? I mean, why don't we see Muslims being possessed and reading from the Koran or Jewish reading out of the Torah? Why does it only seem to happen to Christians?
Again, with all due respect to anyone's religion or spiritual belief, but does this strike anyone else as being just a little strange? What happens if a Pagan gets possessed? Now, that being said, I am not saying that it is impossible and improbable, but why the hell is PW focusing on what I would consider sensationalism?
Next week it is the Perron family and though I have never actually met Ed or Lorraine Warren, I did talk to Lorraine and I did read a book about their lives. They are not these holy rollers like people may think. They are actually very intelligent people who look for scientific explanations first before they get religious artifacts out and start performing exorcisms. I just think it is a bit strange that so many people get possessed and by a miracle, they do whatever it is they do and they come out of it. PLEASE, will someone else tell me that I am not the only one who thinks this season has been odd to say the least?