The Fire Place Theory

The evil old witch was actually trying to protect children. What if the old lady witch was doing something that conjured the creature in the fire place and then was able to trap it there. She treated kids badly to keep them away from the place. The ghostly happenings wasnt harmful and seem more like a scare tactic. Even the possession was short lived and maybe the last resort on getting the owners out before the creature could get back out.


Dat possession face tho.


Dat possession face tho.

LOL, right! That was so incredibly freaky! That face scared me so badly! If that was my kid, I'm sorry but I'd just walk away & never return! Creepy!

What am I always telling you? You must pay no attention to what I say.


Yeah...I got pretty uncomfortable at first...but once it just lingered on there... F that.


She looked like half smiling-child, half evil-Teletubbie.
