MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Witness (2011) Discussion > Nightmare on Chestnut Street S04, E02

Nightmare on Chestnut Street S04, E02

Three scared college women are terrorized by a demon woman who is determined to tear their lives apart.

This sounds interesting. I made this thread so we can discuss it later after it airs. :) See you then!

What am I always telling you? You must pay no attention to what I say.


Love this show. Keep it up.

and if anyone is not convinced yet, you can ask the college girl that stayed there - Lindsey Brisbine - on her Facebook.


Ep 2 held my attention. Definitely up to PW par, and, methinks it was IMO very very nearly as good as last week's; yet OTOH it wasn't one of their greatest hits. Nonetheless this viewer remains so glad that this 4th series of PW is looking more and more like the PW which we've not only waited for, but more to the point - was *worth* waiting for!

With that being said, Chestnut St is still the sort of episode which begs for an update/followup from the house's current, or even from other inhabitants...

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


I wasn't all that happy with the first few episodes of this seasons Paranormal Witness and didn't bother watching after the first month of airing. Yesterday I thought that I will give it another go and catch up on some of the episodes that I haven't watched yet, I have only watched a couple more so far but they were very good and I really enjoyed them, just like how they used to be (in my opinion) still have at least another weeks worth of episodes to watch, very happy.


I REALLY liked this episode. MUCH better than the season premiere "Motel" episode. That one didn't do anything for me.

The tension and atmosphere was great, and the evil woman was really well done. That one part where the girl investigates noises before going back to her room, and that entity jumps out from the hallway really freaked me out. It was joyous and terrifying all at once. Not to mention that one girls' dream where the evil face of that woman got up close and personal. Good stuff. :-)

It felt like an old school episode to me. A rather entertaining episode that SHOULD'VE been the season premiere instead of that crappy 'Motel' episode.

"D...uhhh ASTROTURF!! You know who's responsible for that, dontcha?! The Jews!"


I liked it. I would love to find out more about it. See the actual house and know the whole story on the doctor and his wife.


I loved the episode. Very well done and the people interviewed appeared sincere. Of course they may very well be lying about this, but I was still thoroughly entertained. Does anyone know the address of this house? As a huge skeptic who has always wanted to sleep in "haunted" houses I can't help but ask.


I enjoyed the episode up until I heard/ saw the actual "participants" and my bull$h!t-o-meter started going through the roof.
Sorry, I don't believe a word any of them say. And no, I'm not some hard core skeptic-I've had a profound paranormal experience once in my life and I do believe. I just don't believe them. Lindsey came off way too over dramatic and at times it seemed to me she was conflating her story and relishing in having an audience to tell it to, like An Evening with Lindsey at the Arabica Coffee House or something. I went and looked at her Facebook page and one of the things I noticed about her that they leave out of the episode is that she's had a lifelong love of the paranormal and horror films. In fact it looked like she was using this experience, if there was one at all, to promote some god-awful looking zombie film her and her friend are making. ("I know real horror because besides being the world's biggest horror fan I survived a haunted house, too!"-That kind of spiel. Which does nothing to raise her credibility.)

Plus, I took a hard look at the friendship dynamic between Lindsey-the wild, "artsy" punkette, Reba-the meek and studious neurotic and Amber-the newcomer "Mom"/ Duff of the group. It was pretty telling when you pare away the spooky claims. I have family that live in the same area of Ohio that Lindsey and Reba are from and spent some time there, (Cleveland Suburbs), and while I don't know any of these young women personally I have seen that particular friendship dynamic before in that part of the country. I think Lindsey wanted to see ghosts, her mind was keyed towards it. And pareidolia along with sleep paralysis, stress at the move/ living on their own for the first time and a final year in college helped a lot too I'm sure. And I've seen this before when "besties" move in together off campus and a lot of unsaid hidden resentments, (even among lifelong friends), start to pop up subconsciously. Especially when "Alpha girl" moves her boyfriend in. The boyfriend/ husband was the worst for me. He came across as a sycophantic "beta-boy" who was willing to go along with anything the love-muffin said to keep in her good graces. (The part that really got me was when he split the house after feeling like he was "being watched" by Lindsey's paintings. No $h!t. If my SO was carrying on about things going bump in the night and then hung up all those weird staring pictures it'd probably give me a case of the jitters, too. That's called a shared delusion.) Reba seemed to be deflecting emotional abandonment issues she was having with Lindsey and her BF onto the house so she could save face, ("The house made me feel this way!").

Plus, Kent is a arts/ party college. (Locally known as "Kent Read, Kent Write, Kent do Arithmetic, - Kent University!") I'm sure this kids weren't exactly living the quiet suburban life. Like most kids their age at Kent they probably were doing their fair share of partying and experimentation with different substances. Which effects sleep, especially when stressed out.

Was that house haunted? Who knows? Maybe there was some residual things going on that got overblown in the minds of these girls, especially Lindsey. And then again, if there was actual paranormal activity it wouldn't surprise me if old Linds may have exacerbated things given her predilection for occult stuff by cracking out a Ouija board or trying to channel the spirit or some other half-assed idea. Again, who knows?

But by and large, the unvarnished truth of this PW episode was it was entertaining so long as you realize at least one of these girls is a professional storyteller.

Caveat Emptor.

Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.


I'm absolutely sure I have seen the guy before who played Lyndsey's boyfriend. Not the reenactment boyfriend but the one telling the story who is supposed to be a real person. I looked at the cast list and neither boyfriend is on there. what's up with that? I know that guy is an actor though I just wish I Could figure out where I had seen him before...


that spider scene was real creepy


I really enjoyed the episode, it's vintage PW. I didn't care for the human/spider creature they made up. Nobody mentioned seeing it, so it's silly to make it up.


Look up the jorogumo of Japanese folklore. I think you'll understand after that.


That's interesting, thanks. The translation to Whore Spider is slightly amusing too. I'm going to read more on this as I've not heard of the Jorogumu before.
