MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Witness (2011) Discussion > Clueless (or Just Plain Cruel) Parents

Clueless (or Just Plain Cruel) Parents


I know it's ridiculous, but watching some of these episodes infuriates me! Am I really to believe these paranormal events actually happened as depicted!? The "eye witnesses" are sometimes so shaken by what they experienced that the mere retelling of the stories moves them to tears! Yet, in almost every single episode, parents knowingly leave their children alone/unattended multiple times......and this is AFTER everyone in the home has been an "eye witness" to such horrific, terrifying, potentially PHYSICALLY HARMFUL
activity!? One lady was shown, so terrified by the figure of a creepy old man sitting ON her kid's bed (the kid is IN the bed asleep mind you) backing out of the boy's room completely, leaving the poor kid to fend for himself! Several times, parents (sitting and watching TV in a pitch black house, of course) see or hear weird behavior/activity/voices going on in their kid's rooms via the baby monitor and the most they can think to do for SEVERAL minutes after the
fact, is remain seated on the sofa like clueless lumps, scratching their damn heads with puzzled looks on their faces!?? Come on........

The "computer" lady in the hospital episode stopping to answer her ringing cell phone while being chased through the halls by what she described as a terrifying 7 or 8 foot dark shadow monster was more believable!

Am I, as a viewer, supposed to believe these people TRULY experienced the events as described and depicted? Fearful, freaked-out people, that are earnestly trying to evade a shadowy, demonic-looking, apparition do NOT stop running to take personal phone calls. Terrifed (yet "financially strapped so we can't move") parents do not willingly leave their own beloved children home alone at the mercy of what they adamantly profess to be the epitome of pure evil to go on casual bike rides! If so, I question their sanity, thus their credibility!

Can't stopping watching though, so I guess I'm no better! ;)


Just saw one from season 3 where the family moved out after the ghost of the evil uncle kidnapped their baby in the middle of the night and left her outside in the snow. Luckily she was unharmed.
Then they had one where the teenaged girl with a broken ankle hid under the bed because a demon emerged from her mirror. Luckily it just stuck it's head under the bed and roared at her.


Because they are flat out lying and/or exaggerating.

Yes I watch this one here for the entertainment value of it, and I'll tell you, the one with the police and the lights in the sky was good. I will never understand why the Government lies to us like that.

The episode that got me was S1E3, where the mother and daughter living peacefully in a nice little house in CA, then the boyfriend and his nasty daughter moves in and all of a sudden a poltergeist is living there? Yeah, like it had nothing to do with the boyfriend's daughter. She made a friggen mess of that house! He of course blames the girlfriend's daughter and the girlfriend thought it was both the girls at first then came to believe it was a poltergeist. I felt bad because not only did the boyfriend's daughter break them up, which I knew was going to happen, she made the mother and daughter so scared they moved out of their home, a home they called their sanctuary.

I haven't seen all the episodes, I just started watching this, but the reason I bring this one up to your post was because they were so frightened, including this boyfriend's daughter who always was around when the activity happened, that they left her home alone one day and the house was turned upside down. She of course was the only witness to it happening. All the other stuff happened and they saw it after, no one "witnessed" it persey. They had some video of the stove shaking and the storm door slamming, but that could have been anything plus they didn't video the entire door of the stove or the bedroom door being shut. Which sort of made me think these were being staged to try and convince the boyfriend it was going on. I think his daughter hated moving there, she wanted to go back to her friends and she had issues. I picked up on it not only immediately, but when the mother's daughter put her coffee down next to the the boyfriend's daughter, turned around and went to let the dog in her room her coffee miraculously went flying across the room and landed all over her bed and she immediately looked at her and said "I didn't do that". Give me a break.

So yeah, the show has some good shows from what I can see, but they exaggerate, flat out lie or leave them home alone which is laughable. Which is the reason I came here to see if anyone else is even talking about this lol.

Oh and I'm kind of embarrassed I watch this :D

Joon: "you're out of your tree" Sam: "it's not my tree" 
