Clueless (or Just Plain Cruel) Parents
I know it's ridiculous, but watching some of these episodes infuriates me! Am I really to believe these paranormal events actually happened as depicted!? The "eye witnesses" are sometimes so shaken by what they experienced that the mere retelling of the stories moves them to tears! Yet, in almost every single episode, parents knowingly leave their children alone/unattended multiple times......and this is AFTER everyone in the home has been an "eye witness" to such horrific, terrifying, potentially PHYSICALLY HARMFUL
activity!? One lady was shown, so terrified by the figure of a creepy old man sitting ON her kid's bed (the kid is IN the bed asleep mind you) backing out of the boy's room completely, leaving the poor kid to fend for himself! Several times, parents (sitting and watching TV in a pitch black house, of course) see or hear weird behavior/activity/voices going on in their kid's rooms via the baby monitor and the most they can think to do for SEVERAL minutes after the
fact, is remain seated on the sofa like clueless lumps, scratching their damn heads with puzzled looks on their faces!?? Come on........
The "computer" lady in the hospital episode stopping to answer her ringing cell phone while being chased through the halls by what she described as a terrifying 7 or 8 foot dark shadow monster was more believable!
Am I, as a viewer, supposed to believe these people TRULY experienced the events as described and depicted? Fearful, freaked-out people, that are earnestly trying to evade a shadowy, demonic-looking, apparition do NOT stop running to take personal phone calls. Terrifed (yet "financially strapped so we can't move") parents do not willingly leave their own beloved children home alone at the mercy of what they adamantly profess to be the epitome of pure evil to go on casual bike rides! If so, I question their sanity, thus their credibility!
Can't stopping watching though, so I guess I'm no better! ;)