MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Witness (2011) Discussion > I wish they would go into the backstory ...

I wish they would go into the backstory for some of these cases

As much as I like this series, I wish they would go into the backstory of the Hauntings in some of the stories they are documenting. It does not have to be a lot, just a brief caption about the haunting at the beginning, middle or end. For example, in last night's episode they talked about the girl who overdosed in the house and was still haunting it, well it would have been nice to learn her backstory and what she was into prior to her dying as opposed to having things happen with little explanation. I think the backstory in what happened to the previous owner or owners would be interesting as opposed to just seeing people in fear throughout the entire series and would round out the story a bit more.


Totally agree! I was thinking the same thing when I was watching it. and . Free clicks to provide food and litter! <3


Yeah, I found some of the episodes interesting last season, however they never really provided a backstory and focused on jump scares. One of the episode I liked focused on a house that was used for Satanic Activity, well I would have liked to know what was going on prior and what I find surprising is that the new homeowners don't really get back with the realtor or land lord as to what went on when the new tenants move in. I know realtors won't tell you about anything serious unless asked and I am surprised that the tenants being haunted are not doing their own research, I just find it odd that the people being haunted aren't doing that.


Good point OP. However, while it's a very worthwhile criticism that, at times, more 'backstory' is needed we, OTOH, also have to remember that, all too often, whatever history there is to a given haunting is simply lost in the shifting sands of time. There is no point, after all, in weaving whatever hearsay remains, or for that matter fabricating stories - just to fill in those curious details - which are all too usually lost over time. That being said, where there is more to a haunting's history that is known, and undisputed, then by all means they should indeed try and fill we viewers in, especially where possible, on the background.

On another note, last night's (series 3, ep2) was definitely more like the PW of old. I was gripped from start to finish. What a relief to see that Paranormal Witness hasn't lost its prior form, despite the weakness of the season's earlier debut! Now I'm definitely looking forward, all the more, to the episodes to come.

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


Well I assume they'd have to get her family's permission, or face a lawsuit over using her name on their ghost show and saying that she's haunting someone and attacked someone.



Given that this show is 100% fiction, you'd think they'd be able to create some good histories, wouldn't you? The writers are either getting lazy, or the show's budget just won't allow for any more than they're showing.
