MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Witness (2011) Discussion > S5,Ep3 Ouija Board episode - Qtn about t...

S5,Ep3 Ouija Board episode - Qtn about the father?

I enjoyed this one, it felt very much like an episode from earlier series - so very well done, PW team!

Albeit, having said that, I'm left wondering this: at some point, the father of the family was depicted as being possessed - chanting in a strange tongue etc etc., yet he also seemed to recover just fine over time ( or at least it was depicted that way...) and *without* intervention from any third party. Which is the opposite to how his daughter's life unfolded - accordingly it seemed that as he became 'less' (!?) possessed, his daughter became all the more so.

How is that explained, assuming that is, that one believes in the possibility that a very small number of (and usually vulnerably minded) people are susceptible to experiencing a series of misfortunes from playing with a Ouija board? The two sisters, for example, played with the board, and had nothing whatsoever unusual to report - as is typical and to be expected for the vast majority of normal people. Those who are afflicted psychologically by circumstance seem more likely to be at risk - the afflicted girl was bullied at school repeatedly, was lonely and definitely appeared vulnerable.

But I digress, the girls' father appeared, at some point, to become possessed initially, and then without any third party intervention gradually seemed to end up becoming unpossessed!? Now that is most atypical for these sort of reports.

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


Psychological disturbances can come and go for no reason. Since demonic possession isn't real, there are no rules or patterns to be followed, so whoever either made up this story or was mentally ill obviously wasn't bright enough to have thought it through.

In reality, it was a plot hole left by the writers, since these shows are all written by teams of writers.


I've put the argument some years ago, on this board, that the show has no writers. That is essentially to say, if there were, then they'd be credited. It is against industry norms for writers to go uncredited for any reason - despite your perpetuating the yet to be founded( put it kindly) opinion, that the show is, somehow and allegedly, a total work of fiction.

Nonetheless, if you are so confident that each episode of PW is seminally created from a 'team of writers' or even any particular writer's mind, then for your argument to stand, here is firstly your chance simply to name - even one of them! Alternatively, might you have any facts at all, to support your position?

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


Look, you've proved plenty of times that you're not bright. One only needs to look at some other threads on this very board to see that.

But a simple look at the PW IMDb page will answer the question about writers. IMDb lists at least a dozen people as writers for this series. Just go to the main PW page and look. Names are right there for all to see.


"Look, you've proved plenty of times that you're not bright. "

Firstly, I'll gladly teach you that Ad Hominem put downs are never used by those who are smart enough to avoid using them. It's not for me to prove nor disprove anything of the sort. Rather, if you wish to prove anyone is not bright, including me for that matter, then if you were smart you'd attack the arguments made, in a way which demonstrates as much; Just like I've repeatedly done with your poorly argued position. And, when I bore of doing so, Ill gladly add you to my ignore list.

Secondly, if the following statement is somehow supposed to (...ahem) exemplify how allegedly superior you are to me, and most others, then I sincerely worry for you:

"a simple look at the PW IMDb page will answer the question about writers. IMDb lists at least a dozen people as writers for this series. Just go to the main PW page and look. Names are right there for all to see", opines 'serviceaustin'.

So there you have it folks... there apparently are writers for Paranormal Witness and... serviceaustin is sure that their names are printed on this very website, for all to see!?

Or... do we have an unusually deluded troll in our midst?

Hmmmmmm ;-)

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


Aw, you're afraid to look to see the writers' names. It's cute how your little brain tries to make excuses. You are a funny little dude.
