MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Witness (2011) Discussion > The rednecks from episode 1

The rednecks from episode 1

What kind of genius leaves his wife and young child at home all day in the middle of nowhere with no vehicle? Forget about the ghost shyt what happens if the kid has an accident or his wife gets sick I guess they're just stuck until he gets home in the middle of the night?


Or they call 911, like anyone else would.


In some rural regions police are 30+ minutes drive away. Hence one of the reasons many rural American's are pro-Gun rights.

I agree with OP! What moron leaves his wife and kid in the middle of B.F.E. Nowhere without a car! The wife was probably getting cabin fever living out their and being unable to go anywhere, so that might explain a lot of the appearances.


They probably couldn't afford a second car. It's not really surprising. She was a professional blogger writing about her banal life in the country and I bet she wasn't getting that many hits on her web site so the advertising wasn't going to get that second car.
