This movie isn't as bad as people would have you believe
Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone(especially) both were terrific in both movies. People complain about the movie having too many villains, and yeah technically Rhino, Electro, and Goblin play apart of the movie; but the movie's primary antagonist is Electro. The whole "TASM 2 feels like more of a set up" is in reality nothing more than a brief glimpse of the Sinister Six's tools of destruction towards the end, and Rhino getting more screentime at the end.
Sony went wrong(as they did with Spider-Man 3) 1. because they interfered with the creative parts (over 20 mins of deleted scenes that didn't need to be deleted). So we barely get to see Norman Osborn, Max Dillon's personal life isn't fully shown, Harry and Peter's relationship prior to this movie was never shown(and it should have been),2. They spent way too much on advertising. The budget was well over 200 mill plus all the $ they spent on advertising promo. So obviously Sony was banking on this being a near or complete 1 bill grossing film. Somehow, Transplosions Age of Michael Bay's Bombs managed to gross it but whatever.
I'll say this, many people see Raimi's films as superior, and truthfully, they may have some better qualities than Marc Webb's movies. Personally, I like a lot of TASM qualities over Raimi's; would have like to have seen Andrew Garfield in the MCU. He nailed every quality that I love about Spider-Man in an entertaining way. Aside from Spider-Man 2, both of Webb's films feel more in vein of the comics IMO. Seeing him and RDJ's Iron Man trade lines would have been magic. For one thing, Dane Dehaan was a better Harry Osborn in almost every way.
I would have loved to seen Drew Goddard's Sinister Six movie, and I hate that we won't get to. Venom MAYBE, would have worked, with the right actor cast, and a good script to back it up. Had a Venom movie spawned multiple sequels, I would have liked to seen Cletus Kassady and Eddie Brock square off. Black Cat could have been an interesting one too. Thoughts?
"A god named Sparkles?"