What a mess!!!

This was bad. What a mess. This movie was completely overstuffed with mind-numbingly bad special effects, wrongly casted actors, and the villains. To me that was the worst. They totally got the villains wrong and didn't incorporate them in the film the way they should have. All I can say is What a mess!!!


Agreed, this movie was terrible.


While watching it, I wanted to like the movie so much but just couldn't.

It seems like there was a good movie buried in the *beep* somewhere, but it just couldn't make it through producer meddling.

There were so many things I could have liked, Green Goblin, Electro, etc. But it seemed like every single thing was just teaser for another movie then whoop, Gwen's dead for no real reason other than they did it in the comics so should here.
Bad decisions all around.


This is almost as bad as Batman V Superman and that is ALL-TIME bad.


I cant believe the people that created this still have jobs... one of the writers for this is making a Universal Monster movie coming up... Yikes!
