MovieChat Forums > The East (2013) Discussion > A Movie That Makes Me Wish I Could 'DO S...

A Movie That Makes Me Wish I Could 'DO SOMETHING' Too!

I don't often get this excited, or I guess you could say 'motivated' over a movie, especially if it's not sci-fi with amazing special effects. See, I've always been artistic, and for a lot of my life (after I got over the childhood dream of becoming an Astronaut when I grew up) I wanted to become a film creator or (more recently) an editor of movie trailers. I have always been very attracted to futuristic fantasies and the idea of better technologies and living on other planets, etc.
When I saw this movie, I cried at the end because it made me feel this longing, that I wished so badly I could be able to make an impact like the group had. I wanted to be able to go out there and DO SOMETHING, to make such a big difference in the world. I want to be able to do more than I am. What I am able to do, is just survive every day. I have this spirit of adventure and curiosity, and obviously I would give anything to have that dream of space travel and discovery, but since I was a young teenager, I have been fighting chronic illnesses and surgeries that have left me just as disabled, if not more so, than before. I struggle every day just to get out of bed and take care of my 2 cats, who are rescues, and they are basically the best that I can do to make a difference.
I just saw this movie, and am still trying not to cry my eyes out at the amazing impact some people can make. I just feel so inadequate and unimportant in the world, and sometimes escaping into movies like this are the reason I stay in this existence. The only reason I fight every day to just exist, and to be able to see the amazing new technologies that are coming out all the time. And maybe to hope that some day there will be some technology that allows me to be as able-bodied and care-free as the members in the group, and the main character's amazing impact on the world...


ok let me get you something.

while i was watching this film,i was expecting this kind of behavior from someone.this is not premonition somehow but i have seen so much films as critic and i have my own mind-set about different realities of the world.i see things a little different.

you saw the film and found them good,and wanted to be like one of them.but you don't see something else.Doing murder for a murder,doing spy for a spy and doing rape for a rape is not the solution of everything.perhaps it is not the solution of anything.This is just an extremist approach that people develop in them because of fact that evil exists more in human instinct than good.So,they develop the evil side more than good side and then evil seems more prevailing and better option to is the form and structure of human nature that it sees the change very slowly and till the time they see the change and consequences of their previous action-it is too late and during this time,evil is done.

if you can get the point of the above lines,i am sure you will get what i want to say.
There are several other ways of revolution.Some come out on roads,protest and do bloodshed,some start anarchist groups,some develop politics as their means to bring change while some become extremist groups.All have same motto,but it's the way we chose to bring some change.

Again,this was my view about things,it might be different and even sound irrational and stupid to some,because they tackle the things in different way.So everyone may not agree with my thoughts.

I would like to hear from you.


Can you show me where in the film the 'good guys' raped anyone, or even murdered anyone??? Like they said, they were simply giving those people their OWN medicine to show how those murderers in the pharmaceutical company were KILLING people with DRUGS. I know enough about prescription drugs to know that most of them do more harm than good, and Pharma Companies ONLY care about PROFIT, not human lives.
Besides that, the main character who went undercover was far more morally 'straight' and less quick to hurt people. I believe that doing one small act to show the WORLD how these powerful companies are hurting SO MANY of us, is justified.
If you disagree, that is up to you, but don't tell me how to feel or think or dream.


And i also never said that they did rape or killed someone,that was just a hypothetical phenomena to tell you that doing the same deeds as done by them,is not the solution.

Ok let me make it easy for you:

Look,i am an economist and i have read about the realities of the world.The real form of capitalistic economy is never applied in world,if it's applied,it's definitely the best form of system.
Next thing is,keeping the failed system of world in mind,yes Actions might seem correct for the deeds done to us.But think about how the world works in real and ideal form.For any injustice or corruption of anything,there are courts.If you find someone guilty of some charge,go to seek justice.Now if you say that court does nothing in these cases as they are rich and they buy the justice.This is right but think about it,who made the world is us,we did this to world.we let the justice go weaker and our actions go stronger.

I remember once i was working on my m.phil thesis and i wrote,that this is man who came out of caves,started murders and wars against others.then he developed a definition of "civilization" and began following it.then he again felt that his previous set definition of being civilized is wrong and he must think again and bring out a new definition.
So,a creature of God who sets his own rules and then feels he is wrong.Do you trust the actions of this creature then?.

Now i come to the main point again:
When an injustice is done against anybody or any nation,going and taking up arms (a hypothetical example) and start killing innocent people for that and then finally winning war by someone and celebrating over the dead.Do you think this is justified?
My dear,now i repeat the words i said previously: doing rape for rape,murder for murder and injustice for injustice is not the solution.This way a change might come but it will not be the change,it will be the injustice.The only difference is how one sees it.
I again want to know more from you.


I have always HATED it when people, especially environmental and economical activists, are always saying "WE are the ones who did all these horrible things to the Earth!" and similar comments. I take NO responsibility for what others do to pollute, destroy, cause pain and sadness and poverty, etc. I only take responsibility for what I myself have done in my life. And I myself have done and continue doing, everything I can to keep needless garbage or useful, good things, from filling the landfills and flooding the planet! If you believe in bunching yourself up with the rest of humanity, then that would be the same as saying "WE as humans have caused famine, war, murders, rapes, child abuse, animal cruelty..." And I for one, would NEVER EVER do anything like that!


Do you live in the united States?
is your living space powered with electricity? What source does that electricity come from?
Do you own a car?
Do you own clothing made of cotton? Or any made from animal skin? Did you slaughter these animals yourself?
Where do you buy your clthing? Is any of it made in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, China, or Indonesia?
Do you have carpeting where you live? Do you own a TV/Computer/iPhone?
Do you plan to have children?
Do you eat meat? And if so do you raise and slaughter the animals?
If you don't eat meat where do you get your vegetables?
Have you ever used name brand pharmaceutical drugs?
Do you vote?
Do you pay taxes?

You may not wish harm on anyone or anything, and you may not wish to pollute or cause suffering for any plant or animal, but sadly, your lifestyle choices most likely are involved in creating famine, war, death, pollution, and suffering. There is almost no way around it. Saying that you don't group yourself with humanity is quite irresponsible.


well put.

I think that Darwinism exists for a reason. human nature is inevitable.
plus the only solution to these questions are to just watch "Into the Wild" and follow his footsteps.

plus the environmental extremists/terrorists might be causing more harm than good, most of the times.


Communist China pollute way more than we do. The Soviet Union spilled way more oil than the United Stated could dream of.


Communist China pollute way more than we do. The Soviet Union spilled way more oil than the United Stated could dream of.


I think they mean more the majority or rather maybe that's how I take it.

I consider myself an activist although I wouldn't support a group like PETA or Greenpeace as I don't believe in using extreme measures (like in the film) to get things done/"fix the world". Why not ask for gradual changes that are acceptable and then go on from that? For example, choosing to use more natural products that are able to biodegrade properly. I'm currently irritated with Dawn for saying it's safe enough to use on a cute oil spill duckling meanwhile it gets into their water tight feathers and will eventually kill them. Researchers were horrified when they learned that it was hurting the animals from the oil spill versus helping them.

Also please look out for "green washing" as not everything labelled 'green' is actually good...some companies just do it to manipulate buyers into buying the products to feel better about themselves.


typical conservative response living in a turtle shell.
so we can all recognize there is a problem right? YES
but you don't have an answer to the problem right? atleast not a slowburn "peaceful" method that thos corrupt souls deserve.. right? yes i suppose...
then there is not a problem!...

hmmmm i see what you did there!!! the same way they discredit the occupy wallstreet movement..

i got nothing against capitalism, its the media centred for profit corporatism thats shading, intoxicating our culture into doom.

the propheny of the creator is returning, and for those willing to listen, lightworkers will shed more light on that matter!


"I know enough about prescription drugs to know that most of them do more harm than good, and Pharma Companies ONLY care about PROFIT, not human lives. "

In other words, you know absolutely nothing about pharmaceuticals or about corporations. Congratulations - you're the exact kind of ignorant bumper-sticker-thinker that is the target demographic of this film.


So what are you saying, that corporations DO care about more about people than about their profits? Or even care AT ALL? That medications that purport to fix one condition don't often come with multiple side effects?

Sure, OP was being a tad hyperbolic for effect, but if you believe that big pharmaceutical corporations are humanitarian institutions with our best interests at heart then I'm afraid it is you who don't know very much about pharmaceuticals or about corporations - or you work for one, which means you naturally object to being characterised as a selfish, greedy monster by association - anybody would object to that - but whenever big pharma / big chemical corporations and others like them have been brought to account, it was always through the actions of one or just a few people, much like you or I, who decided their soul and integrity was not for sale, and more than that, who put the well-being of the population at large above their own comfort, so there's nothing that says one cannot be noble and selfless while working for one such all-devouring, sprawling giant.

I'll also take issue with you claiming that the target demographic of this film is "ignorant bumper-sticker-thinkers", since I found the film to encourage free thinking, alternative thinking, and really, just THINKING - thinking about morally confusing, conflicting situations, thinking about the state of the world as we are edging ever closer to vast, irreversible catastrophe and how we might ameliorate the situation, thinking about human relationships and dynamics, about how we affect the life paths and ideas of others and how they affect us.

But I guess, as with so many other things in this world, we only get out of it what we invest...


Actually, your third sentence is only partially correct, with the first part being dead wrong. Most drugs do more good than harm, which is why doctors prescribe them. No doctor is going to prescribe you something that is going to do more harm than good. I'm not saying a drug can't do more harm than good. I'm saying that it's not designed to do so. There are possible side effects, allergies, and so on that can create bad or even deadly reactions. Any doctor that knows this may happen to you is not going to prescribe something that will cause this, unless the chance of this happening is so low that the good outweighs the slight risk of the bad.

The second part is mostly correct. The corporations are definitely in it for the money and not because they truly care about people. Perhaps the person/people that started the company years ago started it because they cared about people, but these days it's money, money, money. Proof of this is the fact that drugs that can help people fight cancer or MS or some other thing that can help you to live is always extremely expensive, so much so that unless you have insurance that covers it, you aren't going to be able to afford it. So it has become a pay to live society in this country when it comes to certain things. They don't need to be this expensive and don't cost them nearly this much to manufacture them, but they know that you need it and will do anything to survive a little longer. Cancer treatments can cost thousands per month. This is nothing but milking the patient for as much as possible. They use the excuse that it is extremely expensive to research the drugs, and it is, but not like they want us to believe. Pharma companies make billions in profits every year. It's sickening. Health should not be a business, but a right.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


Please use proper sentence structure. You may be an economist, but trying to read your posts is like trying to read something a first grader wrote. Do you see the space after the period, before the start of a new sentence? It's sort of required.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


Hope you get well enough to make a difference you feel is worth it.


I get where ur coming from... I remember when i first saw "Into the Wild" i was fascinated by the main characters ideology and the whole story. I wanted to set out into the wold and live life like it used to be thousands of years ago... But obviously not many of us can just pick up and leave the whole world behind us because we disagree with its direction.

I appreciate your willingness to act and make the world a better place. I believe in my heart that there are more ppl on earth with hearts like yours than hearts like George Bush or other Corporate CEO's.

So, how can you DO SOMETHING? How can YOU make a difference???

Can u supply water to all the people around the world who dont have clean drinking water? Can you pledge to supply free internet access to everyone around the world like Mark Zuckerberg plans to do? Can you pledge to eradicate Malaria and TB from the African countries like Melissa and Bill Gates plan to do? Im pretty sure you and I sadly cannot make a positive impact as grand as this in our world.

However, we people of lesser means but equally charitable hearts can impact the world we live in as well...See, I believe we're all connected and that there is more good then bad in us as a whole. I also believe positivity, altruism, happiness, caring, selflessness, giving, and love is contagious. We're social beings (no matter how introverted you think you maybe), we react to each other and directly or indirectly live for one another in this world.


How about:

-Smiling at a stranger whos seems to be having a bad day.
-Informing people of the Truth and telling them "the News" they hear from News Corporations are biased and manipulative at their basic core.
-Calling ur local politician and telling them how u feel about so and so's business policies that are negatively impacting your community.
-Buying a needy person lunch.
-Sitting and chatting with a senior in a senior home who has no one.
-Talking to hospital patients who are gravely ill and lonely.
-Buying coffee for your co-worker, just cause.
-Eating all your food and NOT throwing it away when its still good.
-Being an ear to a sad, lonely and depressed person who just wants someone to talk to really.
-Making someone smile.

Now if i was that stranger or that mis-informed person, or that hungry and needy person,or that lonely senior, or that terminally ill hospital patient, or your co-worker or that lonely and depressed person or that person you made smile with a joke... I know id say " I like AgentStarlight, she made my day. God Bless her. Why cant people be more like her? Why cant I be more like her? "... And there my friend you have set-up a chain reaction, you've made a difference.

There are no Superheros in real life, only Heroes.

1/10= Toxic
3= Disappointing
5= Ok
6= Recommended
8= Excellent!
10/10= Classic.


I believe that "Edwin *beep* has explained my point very well and with much more clarity.Yet it is upto you,if you still don't see the right thing.

If being these kind of bunch of people is right,then i think Hitler was right,then i think Obama is doing right things killing weak nations,then i think France is right in supporting USA for attack on other countries.

It's just the perspective of seeing things.


you are just some guy who watches some movies like the rest of us. quit trying to sound important


Thanks for the kind reply. Unfortunately, with your list of suggestions, I am unable to work, even when I would love to have a job and be even just a NORMAL person, because of the debilitating, painful chronic illnesses I have that have no cures and are getting worse with time. That cuts out most travel and volunteer work. I also live on a very meager disability income (LESS than what is considered 'poverty level' in this country), so buying things for others is not often an option either.
Although, a month or so ago, when I was in a Taco Bell/gas station store, I was buying myself a soda, which I do about once a month, and this lady and her son were there, she asked me if that flavor I had was any good, and I told her about how it's a favorite of mine that is only sold at Taco Bell. I could tell she and her son were not well-off at all, and she had bought a cheap meal for them to split, with no drink. I went to the counter after she sat down, bought a large soda, and gave the cup to her so she could fill it with the flavor she wanted. I felt that might have made them happier for a while.
I do try to make a difference when I see the opportunity, but more often than not, I am that person who is seriously depressed, in pain, lonely, and needing a friend. And yes, there may be a lot of good people out there, but I seem to run into an awful lot of the darker side of humanity when I am online, even just posting comments to articles, or trying to say nice things on YouTube videos.
I once made a video myself, where I used those flash cards with my story written on them, the way a lot of teenagers did when they made 'confessions' or told of their own depression using cards and writing instead of talking. I told my story on cards, about my 8 spinal surgeries starting at age 15, about being disabled and in severe pain since age 12, not having any friends at all in school, being bullied, having to drop out because I was physically unable to attend school after 7th grade. How I have never had a 'significant other' or had any real friends who I can hang out with or visit. How every surgery I had came with serious complications, worsening pain, going from being a normal active, average-sized kid to being an obese, home-bound adult with severe depression and anxiety and having made several suicide attempts. I told about how I cannot find any doctors left to treat my pain, because they all are too afraid to give pain meds to a young person, or because my spine is so damaged beyond repair now, that they don't want to be stuck with someone my age who will never recover and get better. After I posted my video, which was a few years ago now, I had one person who made several abusive, evil comments, telling me I was a stupid, poor, fat-ass loser who should go kill myself. I was hoping to get some of the thousands of amazingly positive comments all the other people who made these videos got, but I still haven't.
Sorry to ramble, but just wanted to share, and your reply did make me smile a little. Hope you have a blessed day!


Well thank you for replying back and making me smile and ponder (see, u just gave some charity in your written reflections and personal story.)

I always tell ppl (and its a fact of life): No matter how bad u think u have it, someone somewhere has it 10 times worse and smiles in the face of it.

Like i said in my original post: i believe good vibes are contagious. I hope i was able to share with u as u have with me and bring some positivity and charity to ur life.

I can say.. if this we're 20yrs ago, we wud not have the ability to talk to e/o and empathize and trade ideas like we do now, you wud have been locked in ur world circle and i mine. The internet has allowed ppl all over to share their voice and connect with ppl they NEVER wud have been able to prior to the 1990's.

Imagine what it was like for a woman in ur health condition in 1850ad ........ ....1750ad..........1900ad................1000ad.............................................

Im pretty sure she had no "magical source" to talk to someone, a stranger, on the other side of the country (unless she had a invisible friend, which was likely a popular "coping mechanism" back How did she make do with her loneliness, depression, sadness, immobility, meager means, and "tiredness of living life"?

There are lots of online community groups nowadays that fully encompass an individuals life nowadays... Are u a member of any?

Living life is a choice, most ppl just go thru it waiting for the end to come.... Are u maximizing ur gift of life? Do ur negatives out way ur positives, or vice versa... its up to you to interpret. Are u a religious person, do u believe in an afterlife, are u involved in your place of worship?

Point is, if your really motivated to make a positive difference in the world, theres nothing that can stop you, you just have to will it into reality. And that my friend takes a consistent effort and struggle going against ur normal comfort-ability and desires.

Smile, it really aint That bad.

1/10= Toxic
3= Disappointing
5= Ok
6= Recommended
8= Excellent!
10/10= Classic.


People say an eye for an eye would leave us all blind. However, I can understand your perspective. There are good, and bad aspects about almost everything, including people. I don't know if it's worst to be apathetic, and do nothing, or risk blurring the lines of morality. All I know, if that I'm a person that encourages balance in life. Taoism's Ying, and Yang, and Buddhism's "Middle Path," are things that make sense to me. By the way, I'm not perfect at that either, but I'm trying. As for the movie, I enjoyed it. Although, it felt like something was missing. Nevertheless, Brit Marling seems to be casted in some decent films. I was born in the same time period as Marling, so It's nice to see, or hear about creative people from my generation. Anyways, I dream big to, but I'm also struggling with a disability. I usually keep it to myself, but it's nice to find someone that I can empathize with. Anyways, for me, it's music. I'm an aspiring songwriter, so I'm always looking for more inspiration. Watching film is a good way to do it, without getting to involved in real life drama. I've had plenty of it in my lifetime. My medical problems started in my teens, & they got worst in my 20's. I'm lucky to have an outlet like music. When I come up with a new idea, or song, it gives me hope. I also recently began to participate in group meditations at a Pranic Healing Center near in town. After a healing session, and meditation, my symptoms are mild. Sometimes I feel fine. By the way, I'm a big fan of Scy-Fi too!


If you didn't get from the movie that The East had resorted to things as bad or worse than the companies they were trying to stop, I think you missed the point.

For my latest movie reviews and news:


what did they do that was so bad?


Very simplistic view. Any social group is largely a product of it's leaders and in this case the leader had issues with particualr companies that had adversely impacted the group simply because they valued profits more than morality and in some cases where literally getting away with murder.

It's about 2 extremes corporate greed and the fight to rectify the resulting wrongs. It wasn't simply about violence as Sarah ultimately choose to walk away and fight the fight with using less confrontational methods. And if you think group did worse than the companies in question you need to watch it again.

Basically, I'd say the movie is about accountability and our natural inclination to be apathetic until something affects us directly


Bad or worse? I'll give you bad, but definitely not worse. Sickening a few people, possibly permanently, is not worse than sickening thousands, as the aforementioned people made, marketed and promoted something that made people very ill, or even killed them in the end. Making a couple of people swim in the toxic waste they create and lie about is not worse than that same waste sickening or killing many people, such as children.

The third jam, I will give you, was too extreme, but they never got to do what they wanted with the info. They way she used the info was much better and still resulted in change.

In the end, getting rich off of something that hurts other people, even one person, is always wrong. No matter what...always wrong. Many people think the opposite until it effects them directly, then they understand.

Again, the third jam was too much and would have hurt some people who truly did not deserve to be hurt.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


Here's something you can do, quit believing that liberal Hollywood propaganda is the truth. See how that works out for you.


We can't all be rebels, rich, beautiful, perfect and live a life of bold, grand gestures - it's unrealistic even though Hollywood makes it seem so easy.

The little things matter too and we all live within the boundaries of our circumstances. You do what you can, when you can and that's the most important thing. A lot better than if you did nothing at all. But I think, if you don't mind me saying so, that you should focus on what you can do health permitting. A person's willingness to take action is also very important and this is a prerequisite to action itself.


If you want to join some activism online then do so. There's letter writing campaigns from a large amount of organizations (Oxfam, Reporters without Borders) and you can sign petitions on . They display victories on their home page if you want to see what signing a petition can do.

I have chronic pain myself and some days are a struggle to get out of bed (sometimes literally due to muscle weakness/cramping). It's part of the reason why I got into online activism; the other is because I don't enjoy demonstrations as they usually become at least slightly violent.

I'm also in a Global Citizenship class which is really interesting since we spanned a wide variety of topics that are current like the idea of companies owning rainwater that falls within a certain area.
