Besides harming innocent people I really hope groups like this do exist. You shouldn't be able to kill the planet and people and go and have a good day afterwards, you just shouldn't.You should Absolutely have a hundred percent taste of your medicine.
So, according to you a small group of private citizens should have carte blanche to "injure or eliminate" whomever they wish? Or are you saying it's only okay for groups you support to do this? I wonder if you'd support this ideology if a small group of citizens targeted you or a member of your family. What if a small group decided you should be "injured or eliminated" because you advocate violence behind that cozy curtain of anonymity?
I find that people who advocate violence so vehemently are usually the first to dodge the same application when they are under condemnation.
Matthew 7:2 - "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus
You're absolutely right. It's quite a different story if the target is you. Seemed to me that nobody was really innocent in this movie. After all, Benji wanted the list to kill the other undercover investigators so he's not so innocent.
actually there are small groups of people who decide who will live and who will die. they are rich, they keep industry running, they grab land, they exploit workers, they destroy nature. they kill if they want to. and they get away with it so many times. money buys anything.
Well Zal and Brit claimed to have been inspired by living with such a group for a couple of months. Dumpster diving and straight jackets for dinner aren't by any means, my cup of tea, but to each his own, I suppose.đ
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I used to be a bit like that. I used to care about the condition of the "Planet". I really would have loved to have done some "Project Mayhem" type capers (as in Project Mayhem from the movie Fight Club, where they destroy all the buildings related to the recording of debt, etc...)
Anyway, I was watching a George Carlin show (he was a legendary, one-of-a-kind comedian. Died recently-ish) many long years ago now and he said something that I'd just never thought of before. The cliff-notes of his comedic routine that night suggested that we must be enormously arrogant and immensely self-centred to think that we could possibly destroy the planet. (Edit: Even today, in 2016, if all the world governments worked together to try to destroy the world, they still wouldn't be able to do it.) He went on to say that the planet is completely safe. There's nothing to worry about from the planet's perspective. Then he said it: "The people are fscked! Oh yeah, humans are all fscked, but the planet will be fine. The planet will endure and go one and be fine. There just won't be any humans on it."
And you know what? That made me feel a lot better. Honestly, the sheer inhumanity inherent in humanity makes me ashamed to be associated with the species sometimes. I watch the news these days and it seems that one week can't go by without me hearing of another case where american police have murdered another unarmed civilian for whatever reason, or that another woman has been attacked/ raped by a male/ males who should know better and who should damn well be better than to treat any woman like that. And then there's all the crimes against children... It's downright depressing! So, yeah... I can be pretty misanthropic these days, so if humanity wiped itself out, I couldn't help but feel that it deserved it.
Anyway, next time you meet one of these tools who like to claim that global warming/ climate change is a myth, you should offer them all of your support and vote for them too. And don't feel bad, because we aren't destroying the planet. We aren't even destroying all life on the planet. We're just making it impossible for humans to live on the planet. While there are some worthy human endeavors that will undoubtedly be lost in any human extinction-level-event, we'll also finally be closing a door on all the *beep* that humans are too banal to overcome...
That was a lot darker than I meant it to be...
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The fact that you had that awareness means it was exactly as dark as you intended... or you would have edited it.
I'm a little more optimistic than you though. It can appear that the human race as a whole is beyond redemption and if it were to destroy itself it would deserve its fate. However, most inhumane behaviour is perpetrated by a small minority of people. It's believed that around 4% of the population are sociopaths and these people account for the vast majority of criminal/anti-social behaviour. Unfortunately for the wider population they are more prevalent in politics and big business where they can do the most damage and exert the most influence (and use their money and influence to avoid prosecution). The fact that we hear about so many rapes, murders and corruption means that it is harder than ever for these people to go undetected. In the UK there have been several high profile celebrities who have been jailed recently for abuse of minors dating back 40+ years. The internet allows the "moral majority" to reveal previously hidden behaviour by the sociopathic "immoral minority" and open them up to public scrutiny. Of course, the dark web allows these sociopaths to trade their guns, bombs and child pornography. But, overall, it is more difficult for these people to go undetected. The internet has only been around 20 years, and the amount of information around about criminal activity in businesses/society has grown exponentially. So while I'm under no illusion it will be easy, I believe that human society will ultimately become more humane.
I live at number 667. I'm the neighbor of the beast.
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There are/have been groups like this. Earth First, Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front (ELF - this operations of this group seem to have provided a lot of the content used to develop the story of the East; but it is now defunct, most of them are in prison, and their website is now run/changed by the government). All are very DIRECT with their methods, and all have the mandate to harm no living thing. Other groups much surely exist to take their place, but there is less desire to identify since those busts.
Check out the awesome documentary If A Tree Falls: The Story of the Earth Liberation Front to learn all about what wash happening with the ELF and the busts.