Regarding Zebub- "He is a loathsome, offensive brute, yet I can't look away."
Offensive- oh yeah! But kinda brilliant too. You ever smell something awful, confirm the stench is terrible, then repeat the process a couple of times then walk away laughing with a sour look on your face? It's kinda like that. This is the first film I've seen of his and strangely enough I enjoyed it. The nature of the movie sort of reached it's peak within an hour then kind of kept trudging on for a while after though. I kept hoping it would shift gears at some point.
It does contain some symbolism, parallel representations, societal caricatures and other things that had to busy his brain a bit. We see the cast of players revolve but the characters essentially stay the same. I am interested in watching some of his other works, and as I perused his list of films there was even one or two that had an IMDB ranking of over 5 so...