MovieChat Forums > Gravity Falls (2012) Discussion > Not What He Seems Discussion (spoilers)

Not What He Seems Discussion (spoilers)

Yes!! Yes!! OMG!! I knew it! I knew it! Holy crapadoodles frickin' YES!! I can't believe how awesome this episode was! I mean, YES!! Cannot process... Of all the theories floating around, this one is the one I believed would be true and OMG did this show DELIVER!!! I mean, BOOM!!! Jut finished watching it but now I have to let it all sink in... I mean, figures Dipper would be skeptical about Stan, the tension they had throughout the series was always there, but leave it to Mabel to believe in him, after all they discovered. Oh it hit such an emotional punch that I just LOVE. And the ENDING, oh the ENDING!! I'm not talking the Author reveal, though it was PERFECT, but the scene in the credits, hit me right in the feels because that theory lived in my head cannon for so long, and I've always pondered what Stan was feeling in "Carpet Diem" and I imagined something like this and then to see it finally happen... Wow. Just wow! Alex Hirsch is my HERO!! Creating the show I always wanted to see, but never knew it until it was right there in front of me. Man, I can't WAIT to see what's next!

Sorry for the ramblings, I will probably have more coherent thoughts tomorrow.

Its not a fire hazard, it's a FUN hazard!
-Mabel "Gravity Falls'



Agree. The episode was AMAZING. i haven't been so enraptured by a show since Lost.

I wonder if the gravity anomalies allowed Gideon to escape prison?

Anyone else notice a book in Stan's office said "Daddy Issues"?

Did anyone decode the message in the book on page with the Floating Cliffs at the beginning of the episode? I had trouble making most of it out. What I got was: My compass goes (crazy) the closer I get to them. Does this mean what I think it does? The answer may be underground.



One thing I would dissent with you about Happy Chaos is Dipper being skeptical of Stan. I don't think it had anything to do with any tension between him and Stan. In fact, I don't really feel that there is any tension between them. Earlier in the episode, he and Mabel were saying that Stan is the greatest uncle.

I think it had more to do with character personality traits. Dipper told Mable something to the effect of "listen to your brain" or something similar. To Dipper it was about being logical and reasonable. Dipper was looking at the possible end to not just the world but the universe and thus the end of humanity. Also, Dipper has always been more of a sleuth, putting together clues and going on evidence.

Mabel, on the other hand, tends to listen to her heart more than her head. And that's exactly what she did here. She looked at Stan and felt in her heart that she could trust him and that she should listen to him.

Neither approach is better than the other. Sometimes Mabel gets into trouble for listening to her heart instead of being practical. Sometimes Dipper gets into trouble for not listening to his heart enough. That's why Dipper and Mabel make a great pair. They balance each other out.


I agree with you about Dipper's personality. Whole post actually, Like I said, my thoughts weren't very coherent when I wrote my first post. I was sleep-deprived and still on a fangirly high after watching the episode. You basically elaborated my scattered thoughts perfectly here in that regard.

The tension I was referring to was pretty much resolved in "Dreamscaperers" but I still think it was there under the surface. Not in a big way, but I think Stan was someone Dipper could never truly figure out so he held him at arms length, never fully trusting him until "Gideon Rises" when Dipper showed him the journal. Deciding to let Stan in on the secret about the journal was a big deal for Dipper, and Stan laughed in his face and ridiculed the journal and its content. We know it was to cover up what Stan was hiding, but Dipper didn't and to a kid, that kind of thing can easily sit with you and affect how you feel about a person. And then there was the promise they made to each other in "Scaryoke" that neither intended to keep. It was small, but I think Dipper always carried a seed of doubt about Stan, not enough to really show or outwardly affect their relationship much, but still there. Maybe it's more head canon or my own interpretation, but that's what I meant in that regard.

Sometimes Mabel gets into trouble for listening to her heart instead of being practical. Sometimes Dipper gets into trouble for not listening to his heart enough. That's why Dipper and Mabel make a great pair. They balance each other out.
This is what I love most about "Gravity Falls" and why Dipper and Mabel are my favorite characters and why the Mystery Twins aspect of "Gravity Falls" is so awesome. I couldn't have put it better myself.

Its not a fire hazard, it's a FUN hazard!
-Mabel "Gravity Falls'


Well said, Happy. Agree.



It's a possibility.

My crazy theory is that the one who died in the car crash was Gruncle Stan's father. And Gruncle Stan (or the author) is Stan Pines Jr. (Soos wanting to change his name to Stan Jr. seems like it might be a clue.) the Author, went to investigate the murder and found out that his father was investigating the supernatural stuff in the town. So the Author becomes obsessed with the town as well.

I also believe that Soos' grandfather is involved (Soos' grandmother has already hinted that he was a bad man) and may have been responsible for the crash.


Couldn't have put it better myself, by the end I was literally pitching myself to make certain I wasn't dreaming. I mean what an episode, exciting, thrilling, heart wrenching, terrifying and really kind of sweet all in twenty one minutes. That's not your normal entertainment, that's up there in cult status entertainment.

I don't know how, but they just keep building on each episode, no matter how many times you think there are no boundaries left to break, they discover more.

I'm really glad that theory turned out to be canon, I was all for it, everything literally clicked into place so well, I just can't wait to see where they go next.



It was the best episode of all time. No contest.


Alex gives another interview with The A.V. Club about the episode: cliffhange-216411

So apparently he made the episode into a cliffhanger, 'cause Disney wanted to put the show into hiatus again (we just had one this season) like they did with the first season as he was told, and we won't see any more episodes until this summer. Still, another great interview!

As for the episode, it just keeps me wanting more! I heard about the theory; I'm surprised that it's now interwoven into the series.

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Just read it. It's a great interview.

I had figure out the brother thing, but I never realized the significance of the wax dummy in "Headhunters". How could I have been so blind?!


I never realized the significance of the wax dummy in "Headhunters". How could I have been so blind?!

I think a lot of people feel this way, myself included. Hersch and his team have been brilliant at hiding clues in plain sight.


OK, now that I had time to gather my thoughts on this episode, here they are:

1. No one that I've seen has really brought this up, but I really got the impression that Stan knew that if he let the portal's clock reach zero one of two things would happen. That he'd get his brother back, or that he would tear the world apart. He basically asked Mabel to trust him, knowing that there was a good chance that they could all die. At least that's how I interpret it because of how he acted before the agents showed up. What with his "yeah, rest of the summer' bit. Either he meant that once the secret was out they probably would hate him, or he knew it could easily be their last day on earth and wanted to make it awesome for the twins before everything went haywire. Also considering in season one he was stocking up for the Apocalypse and all, so he knew it was a possibility. He was willing to destroy the entire world on the off chance that he could find his brother. The implications behind that are astounding if you ask me.

2. Big holy crap reveals aside, this episode was hilarious. Some funny moments:

"I used Agent Trigger here as a human shield, he cried like a baby." "Hey! Not in front of the Special Ops!"

The agent securing Mabel's popsicle and tasting it before putting it in the evidence bag.

Wendy: "I'm off to work, doop-be-do!" sees the cops and the agents swooping in, turns around and walks away "OK maybe not."

Stan calling Soos when he's in the drive-thru. "Time for a repair guy to become a repair MAN!" "Sir, your Baby Jr Yum-Yum kiddo meal!" "Just put it in my mouth! Nom nom! Let's do this!"

Manly Dan apparently road rages anyone who disses Sev'ral Timez.

McGuckett has a racoon wife.

The throwback to the rock that looks like a face, "I think it's a metaphor..."

My personal favorite: "Hot Belgian Waffles! Wait, I'm alone, I can swear for real! Son of a--"

Dipper and Mabel fighting Soos and getting glitter in his face:"Ahh! Attack Glitter! It's pretty but it hurts!"

"It's the final countdown! Just like they always sung about!"

3. Did anyone else notice the six-finger handprint on the wall in the stairwell behind the vending machine? I haven't seen anyone else mention it.

4. Stan using the gravity anomaly to escape the agents and that whole escape scene was EPIC!

5. I might have mentioned before in the "Northwest Mansion Mystery" discussion that while I loved the episode, I was getting annoyed with how Mabel was written lately, delegated to B-plots and filler episodes and that I really missed the Mystery Twins and didn't like that Mabel wasn't involved in that mystery at all. Well, this episode made up for that, because not only were the Mystery Twins back, (including the original Mystery Twins--yeah!) but Mabel really shone in this one. She figured out how to escape Agent Trigger in the car, then figured out about the vending machine, she used her grappling hook again(I love the grappling hook!) and then came the climax...

6. The climax hit me right in the feels and it was animated so darn well! I mean, talk about intense! I mean, Mabel's choice man, what a difficult choice to make! The weight of the world was literally on her shoulders, the people she cared about were pulling her in different directions, does she listen to Dipper who had a very valid argument for pressing the button, or does she trust Stan after all they had discovered and let the clock reach zero? It was so intense, and for a moment I thought she was going to get sucked into the portal when she made her decision and let go. The animation in this scene was superb! I mean, the designs of the characters are relatively simple, but they managed to convey so much in that scene, the look of desperation in Stan's eyes, the inner turmoil in Mabel's eyes, the fury in Dipper's...and their eyes are just white circles with black dots but they told us so much that you could watch it in mute and still understand what they're feeling! And the voice acting, especially from Kristin Schaal in this scene. Mabel's such a happy character, but when she said, "I don't even know if you're my Grunkle, I want to believe you but..." it was so raw and painful and delivered so perfectly.

Another thing I noticed that I have seen others mention. When the clock reached zero and everyone freezes as the screen goes white, Dipper's eyes elongate, and some theorize that Bill is still influencing him but here's the thing that I haven't seen brought up before, Stan and Soos's eyes also elongate like Bill's but Mabel's eyes don't. Was it intentional, an animation error or some sort of foreshadowing?

Speaking of Bill, where does he fit into all of this? What is his endgame? And Stan's brother may be back, having gone through the portal, but what else could've gone through unnoticed? Suppose the "Stan is not what he seems" message isn't about Stanford, but Stanley (assuming that's his name), the Author. I think the "Stan Pines is Dead" headline was Stanford faking Stanley's death to explain his disappearance and Stanford had all those fake I.D.'s simply because he's a con artist. I don't think he took his brother's identity, I think he really is Dipper and Mabel's Grunkle, I theorize that the man who came out of the portal is not the real Author or the real Stanley Pines, or it is but he's not the ally they think he is. Either he made a deal with Bill (possibly before he realized he was evil) or after thirty years who knows where, he changed. I don't know, I think it would be interesting if that were the case.

That's all for now, there's more I want to bring up, but it's almost 2:30 am, this post is long enough as it is and I have work tomorrow...

Its not a fire hazard, it's a FUN hazard!
-Mabel "Gravity Falls'


1. I agree that Stan knew the machine could destroy the universe but wanted his brother back. He must also have known that it has been used before without the universe being destroyed. So he must have thought there was a good chance nothing super bad would happen.

Stocking up for the Apocalypse
remember, this happened before he got all the journals and turned on the machine. I think he was preparing for the apocalypse Bill is planning. I finally decided to decode the messages in the book "Dipper's and Mabel's Guide to Mystery" and there is a passage that says "The end of the world is closer than the end of the summer."

2: Yes, I saw it. I also went back to "Gideon Rises" and the hand print is not there. (But all the cracks in the walls and stairs are the same.) I think the author may have been doing some time traveling and left this piece of evidence behind. (We still don't know why Blendin was at the crash site in "Gideon Rises" so time travel must be coming back at some point.)

And the hand print is in such an odd place. My theory is that he was badly ingured, and while going down the stairs (based on the location of the thumb), he put his hand on the wall to steady himself.

Did you notice that when they are going down the elevator, they pass a door. I want to know whats on the second floor.

4: agree

5: agree. I also loved her original idea of taking out the guards and doing a flip through the door.

6: agree. I also thought she would get sucked in. Especially when they showed that picture breaking, I was like, "Oh no! Something bad happened to Mabel!"

Speaking of Bill, where does he fit into all of this? What is his endgame? And Stan's brother may be back, having gone through the portal, but what else could've gone through unnoticed? Suppose the "Stan is not what he seems" message isn't about Stanford, but Stanley (assuming that's his name), the Author. I think the "Stan Pines is Dead" headline was Stanford faking Stanley's death to explain his disappearance and Stanford had all those fake I.D.'s simply because he's a con artist. I don't think he took his brother's identity, I think he really is Dipper and Mabel's Grunkle, I theorize that the man who came out of the portal is not the real Author or the real Stanley Pines, or it is but he's not the ally they think he is. Either he made a deal with Bill (possibly before he realized he was evil) or after thirty years who knows where, he changed. I don't know, I think it would be interesting if that were the case.

I think Bill's plan is to destroy are perception of reality. At least thats what I think the code at the end of "Sock Opera" is implying. Also, when the title card shows, it flips upside down. Turning reality on its head.

As I mentioned somewhere above, I think the "Stan Pines Dead" thing is about Stans father, and Grunkle Stan is Stan Pines Jr. (I think Soos wanting to change his name to Stan Jr. was a reminder that people can have the same name).

Early in the episode, Grunkle said something like "siblings shouldn't get along." I think its an obvious hint that Grunkle and Stanly are not on good terms.

I also think Stanly was working with Bill, or maybe someone possessed by Bill (Maybe Soos' grandfather). If you have found the Blindeye, one of the codes says "I was so blind. He lied to me. The darkness is near."

Here's another thing I want to mention, in the "Guide to Mystery" there is a passage that says, "Time Baby is worried about Bill." haven't yet decided on what I think this means.

One last thing. I feel so bad for Soos. He has been looking at Grunkle Stan like a father since he was 12, and to find out Grunkle has been hidding such a big secret must have been devastating.


So what's the last scene over the end credits? A flashback to the mystery twins as kids?


Yes. It's also the same swing set seen in Dreamscaperers, when they first enter Stan's mind.


remember, this happened before he got all the journals and turned on the machine. I think he was preparing for the apocalypse Bill is planning.
Good point! See I figured Bill's plans had to do with the portal, it didn't occur to me that maybe Bill's plans could center around something completely different. I thought that Bill was keeping Dipper from discovering the portal, knowing he would stop it, or wanted Dipper to stop it so Bill could use it for his own purposes. I haven't been able to get my hands on the book "Dipper and Mabel's guide to Mystery and Non-Stop Fun" yet so I was unaware of that passage. Interesting...since the Apocalypse has already been attributed to the Portal, from the countdown on McGuckett's laptop to the warning in the journals, I think it's possible that by not shutting down the machine, they have now inadvertently set the apocalypse in motion and it's not as instantaneous as they might have assumed. Stan's brother may have gotten through, along with who knows what.
I also thought she would get sucked in. Especially when they showed that picture breaking, I was like, "Oh no! Something bad happened to Mabel!"
And then there was the fact that when it was over and they were picking themselves up, Mabel was absent until the very end, I was expecting Dipper to be all, "Where's Mabel?". It would've been quite the cliffhanger had that happened, especially considering of all the characters you'd think Dipper and Mabel would be safe. In a way I think it would've been awesome to have a balsy cliffie like that, but at the same time I'm glad they didn't go that route. I think it would've been too much.
I hope the picture breaking wasn't foreshadowing symbolism because I'd hate to see a Dipper VS Mabel thing happening (though I can see Dipper being angry that Mabel chose to trust Stan over him, if he decides to see it that way), at least not for more than an episode because they're at their best when working together, their strengths and weaknesses compliment each other so perfectly.
One last thing. I feel so bad for Soos. He has been looking at Grunkle Stan like a father since he was 12, and to find out Grunkle has been hiding such a big secret must have been devastating.
Oh me too! When Soos attacked Stan and was all, "Sorry Mr. Pines, I have a new mission now, protecting these kids!" I was like, "Go Soos!" but at the same time felt bad for him for having been put in that kind of position. It was as much of a betrayal to Soos as it was to Dipper and Mabel, maybe even more so.

I also went back to "Gideon Rises" and the hand print is not there. (But all the cracks in the walls and stairs are the same.) I think the author may have been doing some time traveling and left this piece of evidence behind. (We still don't know why Blendin was at the crash site in "Gideon Rises" so time travel must be coming back at some point.)

And the hand print is in such an odd place. My theory is that he was badly ingured, and while going down the stairs (based on the location of the thumb), he put his hand on the wall to steady himself.
Oh I love that idea with the Author and Time Travel! I wonder at what point in the Author's timeline he left that print?

I noticed the door as well and I too wonder what's behind that door! The Mystery Shack is full of so much mystery! Secret rooms and much mystery! So much potential for more!

Also, I wonder if this means we'll be seeing Gideon again soon. The gravity anomalies tore so much of the town apart so I bet it resulted in Gideon escaping jail. And what else does this mean for Stan? He'll either have to go on the lam, turn himself in or find a convincing way to get the Agents off his back after this (assuming they didn't die from that inevitable drop). So much potential fallout from this, man, I'm dying to see what happens next.

So many seems that with every question answered, three more take its place. That's a sign of great writing and a great mystery! Man I love this show!

"Hot Belgian Waffles! Wait! I'm alone, I can swear for real! Son of a--" Stan Pines
