
I seriously would love it if they released a soundtrack for this show. Mostly the because it's amazing. The theme song "Made Me Realize" is one of the best theme songs and I have the original and orchestral version from iTunes, but there are so many other musical themes within the show that are fantastic and I think it would be a phenomenal score that I know I would listen to over and over. I don't see that ever happening, but it would be so cool if they did. And if they did, please let me know where to go to get my hands on it!

"Hot Belgian Waffles! Wait, I'm alone! I can swear for real! Son of a--" Stan Pines


The score is great. There are some very funny cues in the show as well. Plus, who doesn't want to own "The Lamby-Lamby Dance" or "Straight Blanchin'"?

Weird is the new normal.


I love the video game music in Fight Fighters.
