I read that it was originally planned for Gravity Falls to have three seasons, one for each of the three months of summer.
The series seems to happen in 2012, the year it premiered.
The first season episode "Summerween" happens on Friday June 22, 2012 according to the (correct) calendar held by Grunkle Stan.
The second season episode "Blendin's Game" is on Soos's birthday July 13, I think, which is ten years after Soos's twelvth birthday, making Soos born July 13, 1990.
If there is a third season one of the episodes should be dated in August 2012.
There are 21 days between June 22 2012 and July 13,2012, and there were 15 episodes produced and broadcast between "Summerween" and "Blendin's Game".