WOW! That episode was amazing. Everything in it was great. Mr. Northwest having his face rearranged was horrific. Glad to see Wendy kicking butt.
Absolutely LOVED the new opening.
When they mentioned needing the key to free Mabel, I thought they were finally going to use the President's Key. I really hope it's used at some point.
I thought the weird bubbles were genius. Loved the different types on animation used, and the use of the real actors. Couldn't stop laughing at that part. Great episode as usual.
Plan on watching it tonight. Can anybody tell me if there is more to this season? It's hard to find any information. I know this is part one but is this the season finale and part two will be next season? Or is there one more episode and that's it for the series?
There should be 3 more episodes this season. But I don't know when they will air.
(The pages that appear after the end credits form 1 large image, and there are still 3 pieces missing. That's why I believe there are 3 episodes left.)
I imagine the next one will be freeing Mabel, and the confrontation of what she has done. Then the third one will be Bill's strike back and then the conclusion.
And as that goes on they will slowly rally the rest of their allies (presumably the only way to stop Bill is to rally everyone who appears on his wheel against him.)
That's what I'm thinking as well. But with Ford and Robbie gone, I'm wondering how that will work. The gang must find a way to revive them.
I've wondered if, after they rescue Mabel (assuming they do), the heroes will attempt to penetrate the Fearymid and rescue the figures of Pacifica, Ford, Stan, and Robbie, and the journal (in this case, copies) may have a spell that reanimates those stoned by Eye-Bats. That still doesn't solve Ford, who was turned to stone by Bill himself.
(It's not clear that Pacifica and Stan were stoned either but it's plausible that they were.)
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I agree its possible Pacifica and Stan were taken as well, but I would kind of like it if Stan escaped, cause the Mystery Shack is still warded, and he's presently out their in the apocalypse, armed with a baseball bat, a pair of brass knuckles and one of Fords guns looking for his niece and nephew.
After if their is anyone tough enough and cunning enough to make it through the apocalypse, its Stan.
As for Pacifica, unless she made it to the family panic room, she's probably caught to (and her father's probably dead).
I kinda wonder if McGucket has been away all this time because he's been piecing his life back together while also finding something (maybe in his old research) to help combat the Apocalypse. I could absolutely be wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if when he comes back he's a bit more like his old former self (maybe not completely sane but more lucid than hee been) and have a hand in helping the others take down Bill.
A man had his face rearranged to Cronenberg levels. A demigod blew an army to oblivion with a flick of his finger. One of them was a baby.
God damn, Disney.
It's been great so far, but I'm a tad surprised how little screentime Stan has had so far, and Mabel wasn't featured at all. Kinda wonder what happened to her inside the bubble prison? Maybe she's been aged? Also, still kinda shifty about Gideon's sudden heel turn.
Soos better get that folk-song in Part 2's credits.
I just remembered something and there might be hope even without the journals. In Scary-Oke, we see that Grunkle Stan was running a journal through the copy machine, so maybe they can find the way to defeat Bill with Stan's copies.
I thought the weirdness bubbles/animation shifts were a great touch and I thought the head with the arm asking people to get in his mouth was the best, only thing that made me laugh. reminded me of some Rick and Morty humor.
I didn't like it as much. His friends acted and looked stupid. I was hoping for something scary and badass. Not them. I do get that, the town stuff got turned into monsters, but Bill's friends could have been better.
I do love Wendy and Gideon. Loved seeing Gideon turning good. That made my heart. More so, love seeing Wendy showing how much more of a badass she is.
I was hoping Ford would have been smarter then to do the stuff he did. Maybe being in the other dimension(s), messed up his head a bit. Still stupid though. I would have liked to seen him bring in some of Bill's worst enemies. I'm sure he encountered them.
I do hope Mabel grows up. I know she's a kid, but turning 13 and being able to handle being a teenager, is something she needs to do. Stan didn't handle it well and she can't end up like Stan. You can say, "But Stan turned out ok". The way he acted with Ford going off to college and his schemes, not a good way to go.
His friends acted and looked stupid. I was hoping for something scary and badass. Not them. I do get that, the town stuff got turned into monsters, but Bill's friends could have been better.
I don't really see the problem with this considering the most powerful being from their dimension is a talking triangle with a top hat.
If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have reply share
I don't really see the problem with this considering the most powerful being from their dimension is a talking triangle with a top hat.
It's strange that the other dimensional monsters have names in English (maybe they're translated) and look like arrangements of Earthly body parts and machine parts, etc.
Maybe they transformed into something more suitable to the surroundings when they came through to our universe, but they don't really look that unearthly and extra dimensional to me.
I think that H.P. Lovecraft would be disappointed by Bill and his friends.
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And as that goes on they will slowly rally the rest of their allies (presumably the only way to stop Bill is to rally everyone who appears on his wheel against him.)
pinetree - Dipper shooting star - Mabel question mark - Soos 6-fingered hand - Ford heart - Robbie 5-pointed star - Gideon weird fish-looking symbol - Stan glasses - likely McGucket bag of ice - possibly Blendin
No idea who the llama could be.
EDIT: But if I had to guess, I'd say Wendy. I just noticed she's absent from this list, and it just doesn't seem right that she would be.
If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have
Pine Tree: Dipper Shooting Star: Mabel Question Mark: Soos Six-Fingered Hand: Ford Stitched Heart: Robbie Five Pointed Star: Gideon Fez Symbol: Stan Ice Bag: Wendy Llama: Pacifica Glasses: ???
Wendy is most likely the ice because she's 'cool as ice' and ice has been connected with her in "The Inconveniencing" and "Time Traveller's Pig"
Pacifica is most likely the llama because in "Northwest Mansion Mystery" there is a painting of a llama just like in the wheel.
I'm guessing the glasses may be McGuckett or even Toby Determined but no one has glasses like in the wheel except maybe Ford, but he's the hand/journal so it's still unclear.
I thought the episode was great and really messed up. What Bill did to Preston Northwest's face is nightmare fuel. I hope Mabel is OK. Dipper thought the Rift broke by accident, I wonder what he'll think when he learns that she was tricked into making a deal. Poor girl will probably feel super guilty, though she didn't know what the Rift was or that it was Bill. My favourite part though was when Wendy and Dipper were going through the weirdness bubbles and go into live action for a second. It was the actual VA who played them too, which was awesome.
I'm really worried about Stan though.
"You think you've got problems? I've got a mullet!" Stan Pines "Gravity Falls"
My money is on McGuckett being the glasses. He did have glasses before he went crazy. And he did find those weird glasses in "Society of the Blind Eye"
It's STRANGE that the other dimensional monsters have names in English (maybe they're translated) and look like arrangements of Earthly body parts and machine parts, etc.
That's the point. Anything else would make too much sense.
That doesn't mean his friends had to look and act like they did. And if you understood what the show references, then you would understand why Bill is triangle with a top hat
I know what Bill's design is based on. Doesn't make it any less silly-looking than those of his friends. And from what little we've actually seen of them, they all appear to act like Bill to a degree, minus the powers and super-villainy mastermind.
If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have
I will add that, I think Mable will grow up a lot. You see her do that in The Last Mablecorn. Who knows how long time has gone by in her bubble. The story of Stan and Ford, act as a cautionary story as to what could happen to them.
Did anyone else solve the messages at the end? Well if you haven't, prepare for spoilers...
Crazy but still very comical, however the next one, the one after all the credits, is a little more serious... The last one says, "GAME IS OVER, AND I WON. NOW IT'S TIME TO START THE FUN. I ALWAYS LOVE CORRUPTING LIVES. NOW LET'S SEE WHICH PINES SURVIVES.
If I had to guess, I'd think it would be Stan, I could totally see him risking his life for the kids and his brother.
In the short "Mailbox", it's revealed that the end of the world is in 3012. My guess is that Time Baby's return is the REAL cause of the apocalypse.
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