A more positive way to look at the series finale
As sad as I am to see this incredible show draw to a close, all I have to do to cheer myself up is think of the tragedy that befell that *other* witty and beloved show - SpongeBob SquarePants.
Oh, SpongeBob. Now there is a classic example of a show that "jumped the shark" as they say. It should have ended back in 2004, like its creator planned. Instead, with most of their other popular shows ending and SpongeBob re-runs still drawing huge ratings, Nickelodeon panicked and renewed it for another season - but with a totally different team behind it.
We all know how that ended up. Here we are, *twelve* years later and approaching a tenth season, when it's widely agreed that the show hasn't really been good since the third one. It's outlasted Rugrats (another popular show that went on too long, though it didn't decay nearly as badly as SpongeBob) and doesn't look set to wrap up any time soon. The characters are flanderized beyond all recognition, the writing is pathetic, the humour rarely works... it's a dead horse that Nick has been beating for over a decade now. But with no new creative content on the horizon, they can't afford to let it die now. It's really sad to think of how good this was once; they've made a mockery of it.
With all this in mind, I am so, so glad that Gravity Falls is ending on such a high note. Sure, it's been brief, but at least it will be remembered fondly as that rare show which did everything right - smart writing, strong characters, an intriguing plot and gorgeous animation.
Quality truly does trump quantity, and thank goodness this show has remained true to Alex Hirsch's intentions from beginning to end.