I'm not buying it. Any good show, doesn't end it's series like this. Even a cartoon for kids. Either he is serious and out of his mind or Disney is forcing him to end it. Disney has had trouble with consistent airings. They have been very spotty on when something will air, which is not very good business. Maybe Alex needs time off, so he is going to end GF and take that time. Maybe he is frustrated with how Disney has been airing shows. What do you guys think?
I also feel that there was something strange about that remark as well. Usually when a show is cancelled abruptly and it has serialized episodes, it doesn't get a proper ending. However, if the show ends because the creator wanted to end it, then they end the show properly. They tie up all loose ends and solve all the mysteries. So the creator would decide that they want to end the show properly before they write the script for the final episode.
It seems that the show has solved the mystery and will wrap up all loose ends so it makes sense to end it now. That means that Alex probably decided that it was going to end before he wrote the final episode ,which was months ago. If so, then why didn't he announce that the show was going to end months ago? Why does he wait until the second to last episode to tell us? I usually hate surprises so I hate it when I am told that a show will have a series finale right before it airs.
Thanks for the link. It was nice to hear an official response from him. I also want to know if he ever gave an official answer as to why there are such huge gaps in between episodes. I know that it takes a long time to make an episode, but there was over a year gap in between season 1 and season 2 and plenty of mid-season breaks. Therefore, I think that he had enough time to make the episodes without having to air just one every month. Did Disney not let him even start making season 2 episodes until well after season 1 ended?
Plus, I heard that the show was completed in April, which means that it is not Alex's fault that Disney puts such a long gap in between episodes. On this forum, I heard that Disney airs them so inconsistently because they think that it is a formula to have the highest ratings. Is that just a rumor or did Alex ever officially say that. If so, then does anybody have a link where Alex said this?
Alex did express frustration with Disney's air schedule, although I don't think he officially cited a ratings formula as the reason.
One thing to understand about Disney, though, they're not used to dealing with shows that have a continuous story arc. EVERY other show on Disney XD is self-contained, so it doesn't matter when they show new episodes because there's no advancing story for people to be waiting on. They never really adjusted philosophy to accommodate Gravity Falls.