MovieChat Forums > Gravity Falls (2012) Discussion > Could a show like this really have laste...

Could a show like this really have lasted much longer?

I thought that the content of the show was great but I hated the way it was distributed to us. The first complaint, of course, was the long gaps in between episodes. I don't mind if there was a long gap in between seasons but to have a long gap in between episodes was very annoying. That would be like someone giving you a delicious meal but then telling you that you could only have one bite of it every hour. However, as many people have mentioned, it was Disney's fault and not the creators fault. The last episode was actually finished last April. If Disney aired them right away, the last episode would have aired at least six months earlier.

The second thing that annoyed me was that they didn't announce that the show would end until the second to last episode. According to Alex's twitterfeed, he said that he knew that season 2 would be the last season before he began writing it. That means that he knew the show was concluding for over two years but only told us about it recently. Again, that was not his fault but Disney's fault because they would not let him announce it since they were hoping that he would change his mind.

The last thing that bothered me is that the show only lasted two seasons. People asked Jerry Seinfeld why he ended his show when it was so popular. His answer was that he wanted to go out on top but Seinfeld lasted 9 seasons before it ended so I could understand, while Gravity Falls lasted just two seasons. Sometimes I feel like if someone creates a show, they should plan on it lasting at least four seasons. Otherwise, it would end just as you really start to get into it.

On the other hand, I feel that this might be a show that just can't last too long. This is a serialized show and I like them better than episodic shows because I feel that it makes the show have a richer plot. I liked that there was a mystery to solve but once you solve it, then what should happen next in the show? There was a main villain in the show, but once you defeat him, then what do you do? Do you have him constantly coming back, defeat him again, and then fight him again? That gets a bit tiring over time and makes the villain's death a comic book death. Do you have a new villain show up each season, defeat him, and then have a new villain for the next season?

If you make a show where there is a villain that threatens to take over the universe every year then the threat starts to lose its dramatic effect on the audience. The truth is that although I wanted the show to last longer, there was just no more story to tell. It reminds me of the quote from Avengers Age of Ultron, " Yes... but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts." However, what do you guys think? Should it have ended now or should it have continued? If you think that it should have continued then what should happen in the next season?


I'm sad it's over, but glad it ended with a conclusion.


It could have. The twins could have returned the following summer a year older and hung out with Soos and Wendy while we occasionally checked in with Stanley and Stanford on their journey. After all, more anomalies were still occurring.

But they never would have topped the ending we received, so why bother? We enjoyed a terrific conclusion and those are very rare. It was a sweet, tumultuous and highly memorable summer that we should all be grateful to have witnessed. I would accept more seasons, but absolutely understand why it ended when it did.


If the show had continued, it would have ended up like Twin Peaks (on which this show is largely inspired by). Twin Peaks started off as one of the greatest shows of all time. It's effects are still evident today, even in this show. However, David Lynch gave in to audience's demands and continued the show after the mystery on which the show's plot revolved had been solved. The episodes that followed were a mess of confusion and the series ended in travesty. The point is that it is better to leave a great story as it is than to run it into the dirt until it no longer resembles it's former self.


Not much longer, but it could've had 1 or 2 more seasons. They could've thrown in some monster-of-the-week episodes in-between the mythology episodes, they were very enjoyable.


I believe the Show would have been better if it was 3 seasons and the Weirdameggedon event could happen in the third season so it has more time to develop. Season 2 should have ended with Not What He seems.
I do still hope they will make a third season now which is about the twins when they are older.
