Staged? Of course it is.
I've seen a couple of eps. of this show and of course it's staged to some point -- all reality shows are.
But let's us just say, not everybody is cut out to run a bar, because it's hard work and it demands a very high discipline from all involved, but mostly from the owner(s) of the bar.
Just saw the last ep. with the soldier and what a mess. He had no self-discipline at all, no business sense and no drive to get his bar up and running as a proper business.
He reminded me a lot of the owner of the local Inn in my (very small) hometown -- he was constantly drunk, always hitting on the ladies (with considerably luck I might ad!) and gave more beer and booze away than he got paid for (some local drunks had tabs of several thousand $) and it was a health risk to order any kind of food from the very dirty kitchen. But he managed to survive because of a very large inheritance, that gave him the freedom to do exactly what the hell he wanted, and he did. He died at 55 drunk as *beep* but very happy.
This guy don't have that luxury, and he have to step up his game, otherwise he's toast.