This film was Good !!!
Now I just finished watching the film so unlike so many people who are making statements about the film that have not seen it I'll tell you some truth.
The movie is very well written and acted for one. Peter Berg can direct his ass off.
This film is not an action adventure. It is a true story of survivors of this catastrophe. It's mostly a drama until things go horribly wrong on the rig. The tension builds up over time making the beginning and middle go perfectly with the ending.
At the point when it is time for things to go wrong then the SE just blow you away. It isn't the typical Whalberg is the hero and saves the day. Yes, he is the main character, but it's not a typical Transformers type role for him.
Deep water Horizon is done really well and worth the $11.75 for sure. It was way better than I thought it would be . 8/10 because I couldn't give it a 7.8 lol.