How a presumably normally constituted human being can be convinced by such a simplistic rhetoric is beyond me.
Try to argue a single point he makes? Dude, the whole thing is so fallacious that there's actually not a single proper point made in that first video. Only false assumptions and spurious conclusions underlined by a deeply flawed reasoning.
Such as with the point about women not being willing to die for their countries in wars and so on. You seem to forget that those wars are almost exclusively started by men who play a game designed by men and for men and which essentially relies on testosterone, intimidation and strength.
You cannot use this as an argument against women; firstly, it is men who have for a long time refused women in the army and secondly, it's men who are doing the killing all around to begin with. More women being killed in wars wouldn't prove that women are as worthy as men, only that men have a killing problem.
It's the same type of argument MRA activists like to use when addressing the subject of rape by saying that there are more men being raped in the US than women because of all the rape happening in prisons all over the country. How does that even support the men's cause when it only proves that men have a raping problem on top of the killing problem, which is why they end up raping each other when there are no women around to rape instead?
Rape and murder is one the ways man knows best to display his superiority, where do they address that in your doc? So what, you have no problem with saying that women are determined by their biology but can't accept that said biology could have also ingrained a propensity for violence in us? How come across all cultures, men display always more aggressiveness than women and are always more violent than them?
Not to mention, if a case can be made for the idea that men are builders of civilizations, a case just as strong can be made for the idea that said civilizations have been built for the women we gave so much time and effort to impress. It is thus absurd to pretend all the good things are male and all bad things are female, one can't exist without the other. There wouldn't be civilizations without men OR women.
At last, just to prove my point according to which a lot of the problems in this world can be chalked down to male impulsivity and testosterone; the only bank in Iceland that didn't collapse during the financial meltdown was run exclusively by women. It is theorized that a lot of the risk-taking propensity finds its source in the male attempt at proving his superiority to his fellow and group. How about that?
So please, read a book and come back with an education worthy of the name.
People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²