MovieChat Forums > The Highwaymen (2019) Discussion > Kevin Costner Rehabilitates a True Ameri...

Kevin Costner Rehabilitates a True American Hero in 'The Highwaymen'—and the Social Justice Warriors are Furious

This starts out with a positive review, then denounces the lefty reviewers who panned it because they prefer ideology over honesty.

Note that metascore is 58 but user score is 7.4. Obvious hit pieces from Globe&Mail and Guardian.

According to this young activist Brown University professor, Frank Hamer was a guardian of Jim Crow and “racial terror,” and the film is a “whitewash.” Mostly, just because he was a Ranger and had words with one of her heroes of the past.

But this would be news to the at least 15 Texas African-Americans that Frank Hamer rescued from lynching in his war against the KKK in West Texas. (This takes about 30 seconds to find on Google.) Or the KKK lynch mob leaders Hamer shot in a confrontation with a 6000-person mob in the only time he lost someone in custody because the courthouse was burned down around him. (And despite the governor’s order not to fire on the crowd.)


SJWs and LIEberals (one-and-the-same) don't want facts; they want slanderous data that fits their false narrative. Truthful info to them is like holy water to vampires.


He also fought against police corruption (from Wikipedia):

"In 1928, Hamer put a halt to a murder for hire ring, and his extraordinary means of accomplishing this made him nationally famous. The Texas Bankers' Association had begun offering rewards of $5,000 "for dead bank robbers—not one cent for live ones." Hamer determined that men were setting up deadbeats and two-bit outlaws to be killed by complicit police officers; the officers would collect the rewards and pay the men their finder's fees. But the police refused him support and the Bankers' Association's position was that "any man that could be induced to participate in a bank robbery ought to be killed." Hamer wrote a detailed exposé of the racket, which he termed "the bankers' murder machine", and he took his article to the press room of the State Capitol and handed out copies. His revelation about the racket resulted in public outrage, an investigation, and indictments."


Fuck em. Blue-haired fatties and dikes.

Learn to handle opposing opinions.


Yep. Fuck 'em. But figuratively. The thought of literally fucking one of them is gag-inducing.
