MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Does Deakins have a chance at an Oscar?

Does Deakins have a chance at an Oscar?

Or will they just give it to some woman/minority?

Blade Runner 2049 – Roger Deakins
Darkest Hour – Bruno Delbonnel
Dunkirk – Hoyte van Hoytema
Mudbound – Rachel Morrison
The Shape of Water – Dan Laustsen

i haven't seen any of the other movies. what do you guys think?


What’s the category?




I certainly think he deserves it, even if they give him an Oscar more as a kind of "lifetime achievement award", the way DiCaprio and Scorcese both finally earned one after doing plenty of good work, but never winning.

As for Blade Runner 2049's cinematography, I would say it's Oscar-worthy. Better than Dunkirk. I haven't seen the others though.

Check this video out, comparing Deakins' nominations vs. the winners each year:


It would be well deserved...for sure.


for what? best teal and orange photography?


well a lot think Deaks should've won an Oscar already.
also everyone seems to love BR2049 and think it was unfairly treated at the box office.
and Deaks just won the BAFTA for BR2049.

I think its a safe bet he will win over the others
