A Blade Runner Tv Show

I actually like this idea. One of these 13-episodes per season, drawn out tv dramas like Breaking Bad, I think it would work well. Doesn't even have to be about hunting replicants, just something taking place in the Blade Runner world. Elements from the original novel could be brought in and worked out some more.


This movie should have been a tv show instead of a movie.

The plot itself was an inner memory mystery, a love story, a clue hunting plotting, a corporate collusion with police - this was too much to fit in the already near 3 hour film.

Michael Green is primarily a TV writer, a great one at that. The film was too episodic and was unable to contain its multiple themes into a united, cohesive feature. The movie suffered because of this.

Here's to hoping a TV show is greenlit though. This is the richest sci-fi universe that exists.


Very interesting observations.


This is the richest sci-fi universe that exists.

And why is that?


If it's between making BladeRunner a TV show or getting a new writer, I'd say replace the writer!

BladeRunner is supposed to be cinematic... That is the legacy of the earlier movie on culture...
