MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Why do replicants think that they are th...

Why do replicants think that they are the 'one'?

I know they had the same memories of the horse but K only started to believe that he was the one because he found the real horse statue. Why would everyone else think that they are the special replicant that was born into the world?


I didn't take that as literal ... rather that they all hope to be special, individualized the way humans supposedly are

She may not even have known about the horse


I'm pretty sure most of them did not have that same horse memory. Ana was just one of many memory-makers selling to Wallace, and seemed to make multiple memories every day. I think she just illegally sold one of her real memories with her made up memories (for whatever reason) and that memory just so happened to be implanted in K, who was coincidentally investigating the orphanage where the real memory occurred.
The one-eyed replicant woman just said that all her replicants wished they were the one (like K believed he was). They all probably had existential crises like he did, but his was probably a lot more profound considering he is one of the new hard-to-shake replicants who will usually never go rogue.


Or...because she was there for the birth, she knew of the carved horse given to the child. Years later she discovered replicants that had memories of that horse. Now my question is how would you know if that person with the memory was the offspring of Rachel and Deckard or not?
