MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Had to go watch it again....

Had to go watch it again....

I dozed off a few times the first time around, and so I decided to hit the theater again!

So here it is: As has been stated a few times on this board already, you may find this film hard to enjoy if you didn't like Bladerunner 1982. I have seen Bladerunner 1982 several times and have also read the book (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick), and will say this is a film basically made for avid fans of the original. The director, Denis Villeneuve, did a fantastic job. The visual effects are almost flawless especially if you watch it in 3D, and there are textured details that'll make you ponder the film afterwards.

I don't regret paying to see this twice, and that's the way it should be with any art form.
Villeneuve says he wants to tackle a Dune remake if given the chance. This is another one of my favorites, so I was really thrilled when I heard about this. Go Villeneuve!!!


How does the book compare to the original movie? Is it a long book?


Only a few details from the book make it to the screenplay. For the most part, Hollywood takes the film in a different direction. There's a test Deckard uses to determine if a replicant is human or not, called The Voigt-Kampff Test, which is a lot more detailed in the book than in the 1982 film. 2049 tries to make that point.

All in all, i was disappointed by the book since I read it after the film and had all these preconceived biases on what to expect. With very few exceptions (like Watchmen), I think that's generally the case with any book turned into a film. If you read the book first, you're disappointed by the film, and visa-versa.

The book is short.
