Hope for Titan's Curse Film

There is hope that Titan's Curse could still be filmed. I know Logan said at first it was officially dead and then he changed his mind and said it's possible it could happen. Lightning Thief and Sea of Monsters did not do great but they did alright. I remember reading from many people's post that Sea of Monsters would never happen and it ended up happening. I will say the one out of the whole series I'm dying to see get made into a film would be The Battle of the Labyrinth.


I hope you're right. I love the movies and the books.

"It is rare to meet a Lannister who shares my enthusiasm for dead Lannisters.".


they need a white actor playing Grover and trump up Beckendorf the stoll siblings and basically reboot the whole thing since the director didnt use Circe and she is important in the Son of Neptune and Mark of Athena


It's been a while since I read the books, but I don't recall Grover's race (or the equivalent for satyrs) being relevant. It bothered me more that Annabeth was dark-haired in the first film, but they got her to dye her hair for Sea of Monsters.

Anyway, yeah, they did leave out a lot of relevant stuff (including Circe) in both movies, presumably in the hopes of making them reasonably short and self-contained.



I honestly hope that it will rebooted, and have a faithful adaption of TLT then SoM, then, TTC, then BotL, then TLO. This could be even better than Harry Potter, which, in my opinion, the books ARE. They could then create the Heroes of Olympus, and just be one of the best franchises ever. And for the TLT movie, they used the friggin' same director of the first two Harry Potter movies. It boggles my mind that they didn't make a faithful adaption of TLT.


I honestly hope that it will rebooted

Why do people write honestly? Or we to assume everything you say otherwise is a lie?!


I know but it's not exactly Chris' fault. The writers have more control over what is in the movie, the director just decides how the scenes look. I was okay with having the characters a little older but as long as it didn't take away important scenes(ie the Ares scene in the dinner and the resulting scene on the beach). After escaping Medusa, they should have had them get train all the way to Denver(not stopping in St Louis).

Honorary Knight of Arendelle
Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


If you and the poster below you are interested in the film series continuing, please check out these links below:



As well, please stay tuned for an update on the Treatment project mentioned in one of the links..... :) We could really use your and anyone else's help with the movies . Any help you and others you know can give no matter who big or small would be appreciated.


The writers have little to no control over the film, it's the director and the producers :P


Yes but it is us who can launch the potential for them to see. Give them the tools that they should use to bring it to life with their power.
