sick of this little turd

Anybody else?


I don't know, turds look pretty tasty.

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)


he's so god damn boring.. im watching right now and it's making me fall asleep.



to all of you . . Grow up! A presenter who is passionate and knowledgeable about our universe. How can that be a bad thing for viewers? Oh yes I'm sure you all know all this stuff and could do a better job... Ha ha ha. We need more shows like this, putting science back in the mainstream as much as possible so that scientists can regain community respect.

"In a universe so full of wonders human beings have managed to invent boredom. Quite astonishing."


agreed katen, sure he may not be football match announcer quality, but I think he does a great job for this material. I think his tone/enthusiasm level fits the subject matter, since it is calm, but insightful and rather awestruck.


Well, `Rogue88'; if the BBC have taken a shine to him you'd better get used to his mug. He'll be featuring in guest shows, chat shows, he'll be selected for some travelogue where he takes telescopes and star charts to people who would be happier with a full belly and political stability. He'll be seen amiably explaining black-holes to uneducated people who live in - black holes. If he really catches-on expect to see a celebrity cookery programme featuring all sorts of cosmic dishes, with a book in the shops for Christmans. I can just picture it - `Cox's Gastronomy'.


I love astrology, I love documentaries, I love this show.

But I can't help but having a smile or two whenever Brian Cox talking about the Vunders of our Sular Systum



yeap. The majority of the people who like the subject will not disagree. The show is great.


Yes rogue, you ARE getting on my tits a bit.......

The church may shout but Darwin roars


He is from Oldham, Lancashire and works at the University of Manchester. What can I say?
Yes, he sounds like a wanker, but I have to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I am from Yorkshire. We are the best of enemies.


At first I found him to be a little off-putting but he quickly grew on me. I really like his presentation and delivery. I think they're well-suited to the subject matter.
