Almost a Great Movie
A few things that bring this movie down -
1. The rap music - not necessary at all. Takes you out of the time period setting of the movie and just sounds out of place and goofy.
2. Tarantino himself - that australian accent he puts on was just laughably bad. He needs to stay behind the camera.
3. Cheesy moments that take you out of the movie - Django walking away from the exploding house with the sunglasses and the comical tone of the ending. I'm sure Tarantino is paying homage to something but sometimes its better to just stick to the tone of the movie instead of constantly paying homage to other material.
4. Jamie Foxx as Django - I didn't buy him as a slave at all. His character was just too cocky and sure of himself throughout the movie. There wasn't a believable evolution from slave to hero.
5. Django just gets away with too much. After killing Candie and 10 other slavers he manages to get away completely unscathed by a series of fortunate events? Just too convenient.
6. Movie should've ended after Waltz and DiCaprio died, because until that point the movie was a solid 9/10. It turned into a Tarantino masturbation fantasy after that.