Jamie Foxx was the reason I didn't love this film.
Jamie Foxx is a very capable actor. Ray was amazing of course, and I really liked him in Collateral. So just getting it out of the way, I do like the guy.
But I just didn't care for him in this movie. He played the part just too....cocky? I guess that's the word I'm thinking of. He was just so confident and arrogant, I never felt like he was a man that really grew from slavery to freedom and being a capable bounty hunter. He kinda just acted like an arrogant person for most the movie.
I guess I just wanted a more humble take on the role, or perhaps a different actor would have pulled it off better.
Kinda hard to put in words but....it's like he just played himself in the movie. At no time did I feel like he had really created a character for the film, he was just Jamie Foxx being Jamie Foxx. Not saying he is arrogant and cocky but....he is a big star so I assume he acts like a typical movie star.
Bottom line is the man can act, he just didn't seem to do much acting in this movie. Since Tarantino films are so focused on characters I didn't find it as enjoyable as his other works.