So Powers...

is really in the Matrix(watch after credits scene ep 10)? Also Christian must of had some powers back as how did he survive all the way to the sun. Or none of this is real and is just a computer simulation.


In the comics I think he was an immortal that had lived since the dawn of time or something. It may be headed to something similar to that. Like he's died each time he's come "close" to death and was reborn. Who knows. I was sort of disappointed with ep 10. Felt like they had all these ideas but they all were just red herrings.


This show really needs to just stop and go away.
It was unique and different in the beginning. Now it's just a terrible quality youtube series. It's just awful.
I loved the fact they wanted to be different but this has just kinda gone off the rails at this point. WARNING SPOILERS BELOW

-Michael Madsen just phoned in his performance. The guy is a good actor but obviously he knew this script was a joke and just cashed his check. The idea of a Superman(God-esque) Hero gone mad is a great idea but execution was completely off.
-EVERYONE is a Power suddenly, and can't die. EVERYONE. This is lazy writing.
-Wil Wheaton storyline ends and nothing kinda takes its place and we kinda just slumped to the season finale
-Cutter and Deena, seemed a little forced. She has the personality of a moose. Cutter is a sleazy car salesman with a cop badge. I just didn't see the attraction at all.
-The first season had Wolfe but there was no real enemy in this season. Wheaton was cool but then he died. Heavy had potential and looked striking but Powers can't keep a character to save its life. (Plus the actor was meh, probably due to script/directing)
-Johny Royale just took off, didn't give two craps about Calista or anything at all. Bad writing. Pay the man for an episode and kill him off.
-The FBI storyline? Pointless, Cat chick? Pure sex appeal and pointless. Its like they ran out of money to pay Tricia Helfer to take her top off and they got rid of her. She didn't even stay as a love interest for Walker. NOTHING it was just, pointless.
-New Unity was utterly pointless to this ENTIRE season. Never paid off even with a good action scene. You could have this EXACT same storyline without them in it and nothing would've changed really.
-Cool flashback scenes that do some world building are abandoned IMMEDIATELY. Wtf? Why not show Supershocck going ape crap crazy and causing said disaster? Give us hints to the mental illness, ANTYHING! Make us care.
-Finally, the season finale ends with a whimper, almost literally. Walker is flown into the sun with no ability to breath in space or ya know not melt instantly?

Seriously, I could go on but whats the point. This show had some really cool ideas and potential to be different in a over satured market of super hero shows. They squandered it with boob jobs (coughcalistacough), bad writing, and not keeping the only good characters they had. (Wolfe, Janice, Royale)
Honestly seems like they take the script, put it in a shotgun and blast it to pieces. Taping scraps of dialogue and storylines together as they go.
Hopefully this show develops a new power. The power to disappear.


^ ^ ^ MartyrAJ

All the points that you make are valid and very well observed . . . but somehow I still enjoy the show. I binge watched the first season and then binge watched this season up to Episode 7. Maybe it's a different experience than waiting each week.

I've read all 90 issues of the comic book and it's an amazing read. If Netflix did it properly it would be earth shattering. This version is Dr. Who level cheap (and far worse writing) but somehow I understand how they've interpreted the source material.


I assumed the voices are from aliens, as in the comics.

Sorry if my linguistic skills aren't good enough. English is not my first language.
