Everything about this film seemed
just a tad bit 'off' somehow. It seemed like everyone was overacting, the jokes fell flat most of the time, the comedic timing of the actors was just a little out of sync, the music wasn't very good, the make up effects in some scenes were sort of strange, the plot was non-sensical, the scene with the ballerina thing up the guy's butt was just really weird, the drug use & vulgarity was very off putting (do women ever actually talk like that to each other?) & didn't really seem to fit the story quite right. Even the wardrobe choises were odd & never really looked age/situation appropriate for a lot of the characters throughout the film- in some cases like with Mia Rudolf's leopard print pant suit & Amy Poller's white top/green pants, wow, not very flattering - they just made the actors look a lot older & heavier than they probably actually are. The actors all looked like they were overcompensating for a weak script by trying to deliver an 'over the top' prefomance. Everything just seemed out of balance in one way or another. Maybe it was because we watched it on demand but even the picture quality & sound clarity were bad at certain times. The image was pixelated & blurry during the party scene & the voice dialog track seemed to drop in & out & we couldn't hear everything they were saying as if they mumbled their lines or something. My wife wasn't feeling good tonite & wanted to rent either this or Daddys Home on demand. Daddys home looked horrible so I chose this instead. What the **** was I thinking? I should have faked being tired & went to bed early. Thank God it was only $4 because by the end, after 2 hours of this turd, I felt ill myself. After it ended, she didn't even react. She picked up her phone & went on Facebook & then went to bed without saying much besides "goodnite" & I don't even remember her laughing more than a small handfull of times. I liked a few of Amy & Tina's other movies they've been in before but this was just hard to get all the way through.