The guys
How did only one of them end up on trial? Not realistic.
Luke- Most creepy, sick and perverted.
Vince- Biggest liar, had no sense of loyalty or morality or respect.
Marty- Perverted douchebag who didnt realize he was lucky to have a wife to begin with to put up with his horrible personality and looks. Liar. Horrible person.
Chris- Liar. Coward. Should have divorced his wife forever ago. Other than that he was probably the most normal out of all of them and not as bad of a guy.
Phil- Effed up druggie who needed tons of therapy.
But the whole situation--- they all tried to cover up a murder. Luke and Phil were most responsible for her death. Luke was out of the equation---- but the rest would realistically be in way more shi* than they ended up being in which is so dumb and annoying.