MovieChat Forums > Game Change (2012) Discussion > 'The 'Gotcha' Questions!'

'The 'Gotcha' Questions!'

LOL at that line in the train car from Palin talking to Schmidt.


Yes, She has the intelligence of a teenage girl in a small town.
Yes, she was vindictive
YES, She would Would have been an accident waiting to happen in the White House, But everybody loves her because she knew how to look good on TV... Which is a trick, But any bubble head on the local news Can master, And you can still be a complete dunce( See John heard in broadcast news) for a prime example!!!


You guys think that was funny? Then you should see Obozo in action! He said they there were "57 states" and that Europe was a country! He pronounced "corpsmen" as "corpse-men" twice in one speech! He even said that Hawaii was part of Asia. Go to YouTube and look up "Obama lost without a teleprompter."

Of course you'd never know any of this because the liberal media refuses to report on it like they do when they slam Palin.


But there is a big difference between simply mis-speaking and being completely clueless. We all slip up when speaking, but no reasonable person is going to suggest that Obama really thought there are 57 states. When watching the video it is clear that he got lost in his train of thought while thinking of which states he hadn't yet visited. You may not like him but Obama is a very smart man.
Sarah Palin on the other hand, while not stupid, was simply in over her head when put on the national level. That she couldn't name any papers or publications when asked what she reads to form her world view, her inability to name a single Supreme Court case, or the ridiculous Russia/Alaska foreign policy debacle couldn't have been a more clear demonstration of that.
There is plenty to criticize the Obama administration about but wasting time picking apart simple mistakes in speaking (as well as harping on non-issues like his birth certificate and his religion) only makes the conservatives look worse to the average American who isn't inclined to either party.


Excellent reply markdown474. My compliments to you.


The problem with game change as a movie is that its not clear why she remains on the ticket or why Schmidt and Wallace continued to work to make her president pontentially. Forget the the public stuff. How about not knowing the UK's prime minister makes policy not the queen. Or not knowing where Germany is. Or not knowing about the fed. Thinking saddam was behind 9/11 and Osama worked for him.


It never bothered me that they kept her on the ticket. Has anyone ever been dropped from a presidential ticket? I don't think so.

They kept her on knowing she was what she was because THEY WANTED TO WIN - above all they wanted to win. Changing tack late in the game would have looked weak. Instead they doubled down on their error and hoped to somehow get through the election. I don't think they expected to win at any point - Bush 2 had utterly wrecked the Republican party's chances in 2008 [and 2012 and I suspect 2016 too].

I don't know what they were thinking and I rather think they were not thinking.


Of course someone has been dropped. Thomas eagleton was dropped because of past mental health treatment and everyone in the mccain campaign thought palin was having severe mental issues. Not to mention she was causing severe problems and conservative leaders in America were demanding her removal.


OK - thanks for that - but did McGovern go on to win??


No but not because he dropped eagleton. It didnt help but that was not mcgoverns big issues in his loss. McCain chances would have only been improved by dropping palin and all her scandals and distractions and widely believed in the campaign mental illness. All they would have to do is mention they felt they had to hire a doctor to see if she was insane.


Perhaps but that is your opinion and very much based on hindsight.

I'm not saying you're wrong - but I think it is possible to see why they decided to stick with Palin despite her issues. By the time they had realized how much a liability she was it was too late anyway. Maybe they even thought having a scapegoat to pin it on was a useful longer term benefit than losing by a couple of points less.

In fairness to McCain, who is sincere but somewhat deranged himself, he had zero chance in 2008. The Republicans were a tainted brand. The real election was the Democrat primaries. Much like it will be in 2016 - IMO at least.

It is perhaps too much to hope that the Republicans are finished for good but they are certainly not well placed to occupy the WH again any time soon.


I don't think it was too late because they she knew she was incredibly ignorant and stupid right away and then you had the Gibson interviews in September which were really just as bad as the couric interviews which was still more than a month before the election. I am not sure its hindsight as everyone knew she was a disaster in september and conservatives were demanding her removal. They were probably always doomed but they didn't do anything to help like dropping palin.
