Just saw it

Im a British national who's been living in the Philippines for the past 9 years and I was quite impressed. Its by no means a classic and to tell you the truth I think the natives probably wont go and watch this as they prefer comedies, romances and ghost stories. However, if you've never experienced the Philippines this movie will give you an idea of the kind of hardships the people face on a day to day basis. Well recommended. 7/10


Well said. I am an American and I lived in Manila for a year.

Sad thing is, like with the film's family, probably 10,000 new families/people arrive to Manila everyday from the provinces, only to be scammed, robbed, and abused by their own desperate, fellow-countrymen. The storyline in this film was all too typical, happening thousands of times daily.


I've never been to the Islands, but lived one year in Korea as a ex pat English language teacher. I love Asian films and this one was a fine experience, I suspect, it giving a taste of life in the P.I.

I didn't know until looking on this blog that it was made by a British writer director. Intended to say Filipino film makers have arrived at international level of brilliance, but...

Oh, The Crying Ladies was excellent in my opinion.
