the worst
this show is a perfect example of some 30 something woman who is marginally funny in real life getting her big break on t.v. as a producer. yaaayyy more women in t.v. producing land!! not!.
the two women are some of the worst actresses i have ever seen. every line delivered with the same whiny, monotone etc. The writing, the life blood of EVERY thing is the worst and must have been dredged up form shows from i don't know Africa?
The mere fact that the blonde cow gets a horse from her father, in the context of this show, for supposedly getting her first successful period?, other than say graduating from medical school, police academy,. Nobel prize??.
How this show is still on t.v., for this many years is a testament the idiocy, and low expectations of this current population. Lucy and Ethel. Jack Benny, etc. must be spinning in their collective graves. Sad REALLY sad..