Horrible Show

How the hell has this been on TV since 2011?


Dude, this show is not for everyone!
However for people who share my type of humor, it's hilarious!


Because lots of people have a sense of humor and enjoy witty and sarcastic banter. Kinda obvious.


Been watching since the first season after channel surfing. I now own all the seasons on dvd.I think the show is a riot


No clue either, waaaayyy TOO MUCH laugh track!!! Even a simple statement like "I just went to the dentist" and all the sudden HAHHAHAHHA. Moronic humor.

And yet SMART humor shows like Better Off Ted disappear : (


"Because lots of people have a sense of humor and enjoy witty and sarcastic banter. Kinda obvious."

hahaha this comment is way funnier than any thing ever said on the show.

Good joke sir.
