NYC aka Season 11 = I'm Officially Done Going Into Things Blind
So I went into NYC completely blind. Had no idea what the season was about except for it takes place in New York City. Wow. About halfway through the first episode, I was not ready for stuff. I have no issues with gay characters and all that. I've seen Rocketman (the Elton John biopic in a movie theater) and thought it was decent, although it was just a one-time watch. In & Out with Kevin Kline is an entertaining movie. I also like the Tig and Venus stuff in the later seasons of Sons Of Anarchy. But god dang. AHS: NYC went beyond what I can handle with that kind of stuff. I saw way too much male nudity or men in their underwear or some kind of man g-string/thong. Plus way too much dude-on-dude action (kissing, sex, etc.). I had no idea what I was getting myself into with NYC. I thought NYC would be about vampires or ghosts or maybe some zombie/alien invasion. God dang. I should've read up on the season first. I had no idea it would be about the start of the AIDS, especially in the gay community. Each season does escalate all the gay stuff too. But I did not know NYC/Season 11 would be full blown gay characters and all that. Definitely a challenging season to get through. After each episode, I felt like I needed to go to Google Images and look up "naked women" as some therapy or something. But after AHS: NYC, I will never go into a movie or TV show blind again. Anytime I go into something blind, I end up having the worst movie going experience (for movies) or I do not enjoy what I'm watching (movie and/or TV show). I don't know how people do it and enjoy going into things blind. It's never fun for me. This is why I do as much research as possible before watching something. Plus maybe look up spoilers. I prefer having some idea ahead of time on what whatever I'm watching is about. The ONLY motivation I had to keep watching NYC is because now the season are all tying together. I don't want to miss references or be like "who is this character?" since a character from a previous season might pop up/make an appearance. So yeah. I am done going into stuff blind. AHS: NYC made things official. NYC was easily the worst season of the show.