Carmina Burana? Really?

Is it just a nod to the Omen movies? Just because it's Latin, doesn't mean it's 'evil'. Cheap, and meaningless.


I thought the same thing, but Carmina Burana is not in The Omen.


It's an interesting one that hey and it all stems from the comedy Only Fools and Horses, as in: "In the BBC sitcom Only Fools and Horses, whenever Rodney sees his nephew Damien who was named after the child in The Omen, Carl Orff's O Fortuna is played. This has led to a common false belief that the piece appears in The Omen.


Strange, because I've never watched Only Fools and Horses, so why did I make the connection between The Omen and O Fortuna? Wierd....guess it's a common mistake. Apologies.


No apology needed, it's just one of those things that just grew and grew over time, like how Bogart never said Play it Again Sam and yet there it is a lot.
