Just Rewatched MH, Coven,Freakshow and Roanoke
So last year, I binged watched this entire series for the first time(LOVED IT)
came away when my series rankings being-
Murder House
I did feel Asylum was the best overall season...But Just not my favorite....
In Anticipation to Season 8, I decided to rewatch Murder House and Coven(since they were doing a cross over)
Ended up watching MH, Coven,Freakshow and Roanoke.....and came away with Different opinions now....
I by far enjoyed Freakshow The Most rewatching them for a second time
I found Coven really slowed down and Lost My interest a little toward the 9th episode
Murder House was Just as Good as I remembered and more Special(it was the start of something New and kinda never before seen) watching it a 2nd time, and knowing that it started it all really made the season feel special
and I enjoyed Roanoke Greatly and still feel its criminally underrated by The Majority, but did feel the first 5 episodes are most stronger than the last 5
Also, watching These seasons for a 2nd time, really made it feel Like A Cinematic Universe and felt like they were all connected, watching these seasons the first time, I didnt know they all took place in the same universe, had no clue what or if there was going to be nods or connections to previous or characters overlapping...but watching it the 2nd time, It very much felt kinda like watching "Marvel Cinematic Universe" films where all the films and characters take place in the same universe....watching it a 2nd time, It really did feel like 1 giant story/Universe just telling different tales....
My Rankings Now are
Murder House
I now Feel Roanoke, Freakshow and Murder House are almost a 3 way tie for My favorite seasons...There is just so much I love about each season for some many different reasons...
my question is....If you have watched This series for a 2nd time....did your opinions on the seasons change, did you enjoy a certain season more on a 2nd viewing?
did your Rankings of the seasons change upon 2nd viewings>?