Anyone excited for Season 8 ....7 days away...
I'm new to AHS....
I watched The first Episode of Cult Last Year(It was my very first time viewing the series)...I was interested because of The "Trump" angle....
I liked the first episode, but did not get to watch anymore....about a month later, I bought The first Season at a Pawn Shop and I watched It and LOVED IT....I then started Season 2(Asylum) on Netflix and Got to Episode 8....but My dad started having Serious Health issues and was in and out of the hospital for the next 3 months....
some time in March, I decided to finsh Asylum, Watched the final Episodes and LOVED it....Then I was HOOKED and Watched Season 3 through 7 in about a 1 Month Span....
I absolutely Loved the entire experience of watching all these Seasons back to back....
I now consider myself AHS fan and Am very much excited about this upcoming season Apocalypse which is a cross over of Murder House and Coven
are you excited for the upcoming season?
My Season rankings are
#1 Roanoke(I know this is most peoples Least favorite but I just Loved Everything about it)
#2 Murder House
#3 Coven
#4 Freakshow
#5 Asylum
#6 Hotel
#7 Cult
IMO Asylum is BY FAR the best overall season, just not my favorite, I cant rewatch it like I can with Roanoke and others
CULT IMO is by far the WORST season...