MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > Anyone excited for Season 8 ....7 days a...

Anyone excited for Season 8 ....7 days away...

I'm new to AHS....

I watched The first Episode of Cult Last Year(It was my very first time viewing the series)...I was interested because of The "Trump" angle....

I liked the first episode, but did not get to watch anymore....about a month later, I bought The first Season at a Pawn Shop and I watched It and LOVED IT....I then started Season 2(Asylum) on Netflix and Got to Episode 8....but My dad started having Serious Health issues and was in and out of the hospital for the next 3 months....

some time in March, I decided to finsh Asylum, Watched the final Episodes and LOVED it....Then I was HOOKED and Watched Season 3 through 7 in about a 1 Month Span....

I absolutely Loved the entire experience of watching all these Seasons back to back....

I now consider myself AHS fan and Am very much excited about this upcoming season Apocalypse which is a cross over of Murder House and Coven

are you excited for the upcoming season?

My Season rankings are

#1 Roanoke(I know this is most peoples Least favorite but I just Loved Everything about it)
#2 Murder House
#3 Coven
#4 Freakshow
#5 Asylum
#6 Hotel
#7 Cult

IMO Asylum is BY FAR the best overall season, just not my favorite, I cant rewatch it like I can with Roanoke and others

CULT IMO is by far the WORST season...


I haven't seen Cult yet, unfortunately I don't get Fox anymore but hoping it will come to Netflix soon.
I hated Roanoke with a passion! I was such a fan of the other seasons and I found it so disappointing.
I am hoping for good things from this season though. I hope they throw a bit of Asylum into the mix too.


I have been saying back since [in the middle of] Roanoke that they should do a season revisiting the Harmon/Langdon baby in a Satanic context. So when it was announced that this would be the precise basis for Season 8, I was elated. So, yes, I am very excited, although cautiously optimistic, given how much I hated Cult and to a lesser extent, Roanoke. The main reason why I hated those (although there are many reasons) is that I am sick to death of meta-storytelling. Roanoke employed the tired trope of found footage and story within a story. Cult injected real-life political hysteria as if we haven't already been bombarded by that on a daily basis since the election.

My season rankings are as follows:

#1 Asylum
#2 Hotel (My personal favorite)
#3 Murder House
#4 Coven
#5 Freakshow
#6 Roanoke
#7 Cult (This will likely change to #8 after this season airs)

IMO, Asylum and Hotel are the only seasons that maintained consistent quality through to the finales. I thought they both had great endings. I think every other season has either had subpar finales and/or a dip in quality leading up to the finale. Or in the case of Cult, was just terrible through and through.

I loved that 'Asylum' employed almost every horror trope and took place in two distinct time periods. It threw everything but the kitchen sink at us. I loved the high fashion, 1980's throwback feel, reminiscent of 'The Hunger', that Hotel had. Hotel was also elevated by a fantastic performance by Denis O'Hare.

I have hopes for Apocalypse. It certainly looks very intriguing...and confusing seeing those scenes out of context, given all those the dead characters returning. I think Cody Fern is a perfect choice for the grown-up Harmon/Langdon, Anti-Christ baby from 'Murder House'. He was excellent in 'American Crime Story.' I really hope Denis O'Hare shows up as granddaddy Satan or some other delicious character. I missed him in 'Cult.' But he was probably better off not being involved in that shitty season.


it will have two first good episodes and then it will go steadily downhill from there. It's typical Ryan Murphy.


I'm looking forward to it. My rankings:

Murder House
Freak Show
