Season 6 and 7

Season 6: Meta, gimmicky found footage plot that turns out to be completely aimless and boring.

Season 7: Meta political nonsense thrown in a plot blender with a bunch of random references to the most prolific cult leaders in history. Turns out to be completely aimless and boring.

I have to say, despite numerous problems, I thought the first 5 seasons were solid. I was especially taken by the Liz Taylor story-line in Season 5. Who thought a scene where a bunch of ghosts murdering a terminally ill man could be so poignant and moving. But I am baffled as to how its gone so far off the rails. I think the most succinct way to put it is, aimless, pointless boring dumpster fire. I feel like there are no more wow moments, no really great stand alone episodes and more importantly no risks taken.

I think this season could have benefited from having a huge twist thrown in like Oz turning out to be the Antichrist baby from season 1 and ultimately becoming the cult leader but it seems like they've decided to restrain themselves from using any supernatural elements this season. I hope it gets better in season 8


If you had a fear of clowns and related to any of the themes discussed this season (like Feminism, homophobia and fundamentalism), I doubt you would find Cult boring at all.

It terrified and thrilled me, actually it helped me with some of my phobias as Ally was gradually overcoming her fears.

Roanoke didn't impress me much but it was a good season.
