Does Coven get any better?

Before now I had never watched a single episode of the show. I knew it by title but that's it. Well I decided a few days ago that I was going to watch one series and then if I enjoyed it, I would watch another. I bought Coven, I'm currently on disc two, episode 5 or 6 (Axeman murders, Deliah's blind "sight" power and what's her name, the young actress' resurrection).

I had no idea there would be gruesome torture scenes. I thought I had done enough research before buying the DVD. Not enough it seems.

I'm not scared by it, more disturbed. So far it reminds me of Flowers in the attic. Similar themes, taken to the extreme. Incest/molesting = Mother and Son, torture = Delphine's torture of the slaves and her daughters, The Grandmother and Mother = Fiona and Deliah neglect the students and Fiona doesn't mind killing them to get what she wants.

I was interested because it featured young teenage witches with special powers they couldn't control, which it is but there's not enough Witchcraft.

It seems to be more about Voodoo, Gruesome torture or murders of innocent people and an unhealthy obsession of killing and then resurrection.

I am interested to see where the story goes, what this upcoming storm is and who will become the next supreme witch. Please no spoilers!
But when I've watched every episode I cannot see myself watching it again. I will however be buying the soundtrack. Like the Fleetwood Mac song and the end credit tune "la la la" insert actual name here..


I think Coven was a weird place to start - why didn't you just start from the beginning? And why on earth are you buying DVD's?

But anyway, the whole show is gruesome and not for the easily shocked.


I figured it didn't matter where you started in terms of series. On a normal tv show I would've started at Season 1. But I thought this show didn't inter-connect the Seasons because it although the cast stayed the same, the characters were different in each series.

I buy DVDs because I like watching them leisurely. I like to take my time, watch them at my speed. Binge watch! I'd rather own them than wait for each episode to come out. And plus indulge on the special features that the DVDs have to offer or BlueRay.


But I mean, DVD? I can't even watch anything in non-HD anymore.

It doesn't matter in terms of understanding what's going on, but it can ruin your impression of the series if you don't start from the beginning.


Coven isn't the best season in my opinion but i love the characters in it.
I wouldn't judge the whole series from Coven alone - i'd suggest watching at least a couple of episodes from each season to see if you enjoy them, starting with Murder House (Season 1).

I recommend watching Asylum (Season 2) - It also has some pretty disturbing scenes but i think it was most definitely the superior season of the lot.

Although you can just watch any season and watch them in any order, if you plan to watch them all i'd suggest watching them in the correct order as there are subtle parts of each season which connect them to previous seasons. I don't think watching Coven first will have affected that though.


Well although I don't like Emma Roberts acting, She's the most entertaining witch to watch. Most interesting witch is Cordelia. Kindest Witch is Nina. So I like those three. I'm loving the Fleetwood Mac songs and looking forward to the duet (I've read about) in episode 13.

I won't be watching Asylum. I have limitations on horror themes. And that's going over the limit. This became a limit after watching a few horror movies set in Asylums or just one of many locations in an adventure mystery video game. I liked the look of Murder House though.


No, it goes downhill. Apparently it almost became a regular series which screwed up the writing. Wasted potential.


Wait they were just gonna make the show Coven after season 3 or they were going to make a spin-off show for coven?


I'm not sure but mid season it spins it's wheels plot wise while they were figuring it out.


Ah, i see. I don't remember much from the season because it was years ago and wasn't exactly very good. A shame they couldn't have just stuck to their original writing and possibly made it better.


It started great but fizzled then the ending seemed rushed and confused.
