MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > questions for fans of the show?

questions for fans of the show?

Just watched the first Episode of the new season "Cult"...I enjoyed it

But I literally have not seen a single episode of the series before...

I get that its an Analog series, but my question is, .I can watch this season alone and fully understand everything...

Is there anything I'm missing story wise or anything I'm missing from not seeing the other seasons.

can I just watch this season Alone or are there hints and easter eggs from previous seasons that I'm not going to understand...



Its an anthology series. I'm not sure what analog series means. So yes you can watch any season without having seen a previous one. However, it was revealed in season 4, I think, that the entire series is set in the same universe and there have been some character crossovers despite actors playing different characters in every season. E.g.: Sarah Paulson played Sally in season 5 (a character created for season 5) and Billie Dean Howard (a character from season 1) in the same season. Regardless, you can watch any season on its own. I thought 2 and 5 were the best so far. 6 is the worst.


You should be able to watch this season on its own just fine. Same goes for every other seasons. Season 1 and 2 were the best in this series.


S1 & 2 are the best, the rest are optional although Asylum was pretty good. But you can watch each one independently and it won't make any difference.


In addition to seasons 1 and 2 I would highly recommend watching the last season, Roanoke.

But yes, it's a different story each season, you don't need to watch anything else to understand what's happening.


Yeah just watch it
It been mostly pretty good...
Lots of characters have relations to each other from season to season but thats not really my can figure it all out on Reddit or whatever afterwards if you like
Each season is a stand alone affair
Enjoy!! Its good stuff...lots of pretty girls and decent scares
