MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > People crying because Trump won are beyo...

People crying because Trump won are beyond pathetic.

Needless to say, I gladly won't be watching this.


Bye bitch


and people crying because they think the show is bashing trump are also beyond pathetic. Nobody cares if you're not watching.


It is bashing trump and it is beyond pathetic.


You do realise there are characters in the season that DO support trump? The new season isn't about trump, a very small part is.

If you love trump that much that a couple of characters from a fictional show actually offend you, don't watch it and seek help.

It's literally a fictional show with fictional characters... get over it.
(saying that, there are many, many people just like those characters who despise that large orange cretin)




I despise Trump and still pat myself on the back for not supporting that unqualified, orange-faced, con man/creep. (And for what it's worth, I don't think he'll be serving out his full-term. I think he'll be resigning in disgrace in the next 6 to 12 months. Just a matter of time.)

That being said, it is absurd to state, or even to believe, that Ryan Murphy's ultra-progressive AHS – – which every season devotes itself to a specific aspect of identity politics (being gay in America, being bullied, being black, being an oppressed female, etc.) isn't this season focusing on a specific and deliberate takedown of Trump and his supporters.

Now, it's perfectly reasonable to say, "Hey, this show reflects Murphy's specific political point of view. That's his right -- even his obligation -- as an artist."

That's a valid way of responding to anyone who is up in arms about the show's in-your-face Progressivism.

But let's not pretend that such a point of view doesn't exist.



I think you missed something because you're only looking at the episode from the surface level.

The two characters are two different types of crazy. The characters are extremes. They're the type that scream drowning out the rational voices.

One character represents the stereotype of a snowflake liberal with schizophrenic triggers, and the other person represents someone with borderline personality disorder who thrives on fear and gets off on sadism. They're the stereotypes of identity politics that we're fed.

There is a gigantic group of people that didn't care who won one way or the other. The story is setting up the conflict between the two people.

Now I don't know for sure, but if the episodes move fast along a timeline they could be two competing cults. Clowns vs Queen Bees. It could turn into a cross between The Purge/The Warriors/ and A Clockwork Orange.

Though it is hard to say. The Promos were quite expressionistic while this seems grounded in some sort of realism. I'd love to see the show devolve into some Rwandan Genocide Esque American tribal war scenario.



This was not trump bashing. It was showing two extreme sides (along with a bunch of clowns)


There is a flaw in this though. The SJW types weren't really passionate supporters of Hillary but rather Bernie Sanders. Yes some voted for Hillary in the end, but as a "lesser of two evils" act rather than being passionate about it,


The same could be said for some rational voters on the right that voted Trump. Some rather have Rand Paul or one of the few popular GOP candidates like Ted Cruz and John Kaisich than Trump. But those supporters' voices got overshadowed by alt-right populists. They voted in the end during a desperate act against SJWs, the Obama administration, and the left in general rather than being passionate about Trump himself. Those would at least expect him to live up to some of his campaign promises like undoing some of Obama's major legislation, jailing the Clintons, and travel ban: most he failed to accomplish after almost his nine months of presidency. Even the majority of Republicans in congress at the moment are more or less willingly to work with Trump.


You expressed that really well. I can see your points.. For myself, I watched 2 episodes and I am out. Its not for me. It does not intrigue me, like the Freaks season did. Scare tactics every moment of the show actually cheapens any message its trying to convey. I found myself fast forwarding ( a very bad sign) most of the show. Then I came here to Movie Chat,,, read what others felt about it. Then I cancelled future recordings. Shame too, because I do love the actors.
Did you know that the blonde actress( Sarah P's wife) was in the series In Treatment(HBO) with Gabriel Bryne? She was fabulous in it.
Goodnite all.



Oh you'll be watching it!

Now excuse while I go eat my spirit cooked pizza with fingertips


He'll smear pureed carrots on his face and hump the TV screen whenever Trump comes onscreen.
Both extremes are portrayed as ridiculous in this show. If you recognize yourself and it makes you cry, then the show did it's job.




Trump supporter?

I see this more comical than anything else. People were saying how they were going to leave the country and all.
I came on here expecting people talking about every aspect of the show and everyone is bitching about trump this and trump that.


Spot on post!

Nobody cares abt Tramp and it's beyond boring reading declarative post after post abt how they are not going to watch the show.
It's like they want us to beg and convince them to stay.


Yet, you felt the need to come here, and make sure everyone on earth knows that you're not watching it? I doubt any of that is true. You watch every episode, and did nothing by crossing your arms, throwing yourself on the ground, pouting, sticking out your bottom lip and saying, "I'M NOT WATCHING IT BECAUSE IT IS MEANIE POO-HEAD TO TRUMP!" I mean , really, that's essentially what you did with your post. It was the cyber version of that. Who's the real cry-baby? Besides, it has nothing to do with Trump or Hillary, or anyone else. It is about a cult of extremists, on every political scale, a bunch of clowns, and now Francis Conroy came lurking in. The fun is just starting. But it's ok, you can go suck on your pacifier and be fake-mad about it.
